Crime and policing news update: March 2015
March's update on the latest news and information on police and crime issues.
Information and news includes:
- revised strategic policing requirement designates child sexual abuse a national threat for police
- Modern Slavery Bill to receive Royal Assent
- reforms to improve the police complaints and disciplinary systems announced
- Home Secretary announces statutory inquiry into undercover policing
- reforming the use of police bail
- anti-social behaviour civil injunction power comes into effect
- Home Office takes further action against new psychoactive substances
- new resources pack on new psychoactive substances for informal educators and practitioners
- new technology to screen for drug drivers
- competition for new Emergency Services Network hots up
- police ICT company update
- updated Violence against Women and Girls Communications Insight Pack
- updated “This is Abuse” campaign resources published
- increase in firearms licensing fees announced
- draft Riot Compensation Bill published
- Serious Crime Act provisions to come into effect
- Serious and Organised Crime Strategy Annual Report Published
- Serious and Organised Crime Illustrative Local Profile launched
- Serious and Organised Crime Prevent Interventions Guide published
- Serious and Organised Crime Prevent Toolkit for frontline practitioners
- Early Intervention Foundation’s guidance for police on early intervention
- guidance on the internet of things published
- new Integrated Offender Management Key Principles published
- alternative place of safety pilot launches in Sussex
- new Mental Health Code of Practice come into effect
- Blue Lights fund launched
- Sentencing Council publishes new proposals for sentencing people convicted of dangerous dog offences
- Cabinet Office report highlights PCCs’ work with civil society organisations
- speeches