Cyber Security Skills Strategy
The Government has published an Initial National Cyber Security Skills Strategy and is currently considering responses to the Call for Views.
The Initial National Cyber Security Skills Strategy sets out the Government’s understanding of the challenge that evolving cyber threats present to the demand for cyber security skills. This challenge is more complex than the number of cyber security professionals; it is about the need to ensure the UK has the right level and blend of cyber security capability across the whole of the economy.
You can read a summary of the proposals in the press notice here.
The Government ran a Call for Views on the proposals between 21 December 2018 and 6 March 2019. This included a series of regional engagement events in February. Responses are currently being considered and will inform the development of a comprehensive and final strategy document later in 2019.
Response to the consultation on Developing the UK Cyber Security Profession
Published alongside this strategy is the Government’s response to the consultation on Developing the UK Cyber Security Profession. The consultation sought views on the government’s commitment to further develop the skills, capabilities and professionalism to meet our national cyber security needs across the whole economy. This included a proposal to develop a new UK Cyber Security Council. In view of the level of support for this proposal, we intend to proceed with identifying a lead organisation to design and deliver the new Council. The Government is therefore inviting organisations to apply for between £1m and £2.5m of funding to lead this work.
You can read the response to the consultation and further details on the Request for Proposals for the new UK Cyber Security Council here.
Supporting research and analysis
This strategy is being published alongside two research projects which inform the development of the strategy. These examine a) cyber security in the labour market and b) the nature and role of higher and further education in developing cyber security skills.
The Role of Further and Higher Education in Cyber Security Skills - CSES Report
Cyber Security Skills in the UK Labour Market - Ipsos Mori Labour Market Report