Dart Harbour and Navigation Harbour Revision Order 2021
Information about the Dart Harbour and Navigation Harbour Revision Order
Applies to England
Harbour Revision Order
On 16 October 2019 Dart Harbour and Navigation Authority made a formal application to the Marine management Organisation (MMO) under section 14 of the Harbours Act 1964 for The Dart Harbour and Navigation Harbour Revision Order 2021 (“the Order”).
The Order provides the port authority modern powers of direction, amends local legislation to bring it in line with the Order, and repeals obsolete local legislation. Full details of these powers can be viewed in the Order and the rationale behind the powers can be viewed in the accompanying statement in support.
The MMO approved the making of the Order on 9 February 2021, details of the decision-making process can be viewed in The Dart Harbour and Navigation Harbour Revision Order 2021 decision document. The Order will be laid before parliament on 16 February 2021 and will come into force on 12 March 2021.