Dedicated schools grant (DSG): 2019 to 2020
Find out how much DSG funding local authorities receive in the 2019 to 2020 financial year.
Applies to England
Use the allocations tables to see how much funding each local authority receives, and read the conditions of grant to find out how it should be spent.
The DSG growth calculations values tables give details of the 2019 to 2020 financial year growth calculation which forms part of the schools block in the DSG allocations.
Read the technical note to understand how we use pupil numbers to calculate these allocations.
You can also use the pupil number tool to see how many pupils are allocated to each local authority.
Further information
You can also read the written ministerial statement which announced this DSG settlement.
Contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency with any queries.
Updates to this page
We have updated the allocation tables and pupil number tool for 2019 to 2020.
We have updated the published allocations to reflect changes to high needs places, and recoupment.
We have updated the published DSG allocations to reflect quarter 4 payments. We have also added new conditions of grant relating to the reporting of DSG deficits.
We have updated the allocations to reflect changes to recoupment and high needs place numbers for academy conversions since July 2019.
We have updated the pupil number tool with the January 2019 census data.
We've updated the early years block funding for three and four-year-olds, disadvantaged two-year-olds, and EYPP, to take account of January 2019 census figures. We've also updated the high needs block funding to reflect recent in-year academy converters.
We've updated the DSG allocation tables to reflect updated high needs place numbers for 2018 to 2019, and 2019 to 2020 academic years. The 2019 to 2020 financial year recoupment has also been deducated from the schools block.
First published.