Policy paper

Defence business plan: small and medium-sized enterprises

The plan describes the work Ministry of Defence is doing to support and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


SME action plan

SME case study examples


The MOD values the important contribution small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), make to the MOD both as direct suppliers and as participants in the defence supply chain.

The white paper on ‘National security through technology: technology, equipment, and support for UK defence and security (Cm 8278)’ describes how SMEs are a vital source of innovation and flexibility in meeting defence and security requirements. SMEs can also often offer highly cost effective value of money solutions for defence requirements.

The white paper takes into account responses received following the green paper on ‘Equipment, support, and technology for UK defence and security’ that was published in December 2010. The consultation process identified potential for improvements in three main areas: changes to MOD and wider government processes; the way MOD manages its dierect relationshipwith SMEs; and SME’s relationships with prime contractors. Our plans for improvements in each of these areas may be found in Chapter 5 of the white paper.

This second issue of the departmental action plan (2013/14) describes further progress MOD has made in the past 6 months in meeting the actions it has committed to in support of SMEs.

The departmental action plan (2013/14) describes the work we are doing to support and encourage SMEs and sets a target for increasing MOD’s direct and indirect spend with SMEs by end 2014/15.

The departmental action plan is attached together with a number of examples of successful SME engagements with MOD.

Updates to this page

Published 16 May 2011
Last updated 17 October 2014 show all updates
  1. Added updated Case studies.

  2. Added revised version of SME action plan.

  3. Added updated SME action plan.

  4. Added updated SME Action plan and amended detail section.

  5. Published updated SME Case Studies

  6. Updated 'SME case study examples' document

  7. Replacement document and one removed

  8. New documents added

  9. First published.

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