
Delivering operational advantage via improved self-sufficiency

DASA is seeking innovations that will enable deployed forces to move away from logistics resupply, towards self-sufficiency and enhanced operational energy.


Challenge Details

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Concept Note issued on Towards Self-Sufficiency of Operations for Defence

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Delivering Operational Advantage: Terms and Conditions

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Delivering Operational Advantage through Self Sufficiency and Operational Energy Innovation: Offline Submission Form

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Defence is on a journey to enable a future where more sustainable, green technologies are central to providing operational advantage. The deployed force will need to operate more concisely, i.e. removing all that is superfluous, with a smaller footprint; i.e. reduced energy demand, host nation resource reliance and carbon emissions, and greater agility. By doing so it will reduce its reliance on the support chain and demands on the regions in which it is operating.

Our vision is a future where environmental technologies become the means for a revolution in military campaigning, where the emphasis shifts from logisticians planning to sustain at reach (the need for logistics resupply), to scientists and engineers designing for self-sustainment.

Our deployed force needs to be able to operate in a dispersed manner, capable of transitioning between varying levels of activity intensity, i.e. from routine intensity conflict to high intensity combat.

Changes could include but are not limited to:

  • reduction in time for a deployed force and its capabilities to be at full operating capacity
  • increased ability to operate across the environmental extremes
  • capabilities that are scalable to a range of deployed expeditionary forces from a small scale, littoral strike 12 person team up to and including a large scale, enduring force of circa 2750 personnel

Our vision for success is to increase resilience through the ability to acquire, produce, or negate the demand for resources at the point of need, thereby creating the conditions for increased independence of the deployed force from the military support chain. This better places us to outcompete and deter nearby adversaries through ensuring essential capabilities are readily available in a given situation without the need of resupply from the support chain.

Competition key information

Submission deadline

12:00 Midday (BST) on 2 July 2024

Where do I submit my proposal?

Via the DASA Online Submission Service for which you will require an account. Only proposals submitted through the DASA Online Submission Service will be accepted.

Total funding available

The total possible funding available for this competition is £3.1 million (excluding VAT).  

We expect to fund between 5 and 20 proposals of between £50,000 and £500,000 in value. The maximum value of proposal is £500,000.

Successful proposals will be contracted for 13 months and are expected to start by November 2024. However, the development work can be less than 13 months.

This competition is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA).

Published 7 May 2024
Last updated 21 June 2024 + show all updates
  1. Corrected typing error in Section 4.4 from The costs of attending the field trials and final demonstration event must be added to your proposal as a Stage Payment deliverable in month 13. to The costs of attending the field trials and final demonstration event must be added to your proposal as a Stage Payment deliverable in month 12.

  2. Clarifications added following Webinar and Supplier 1-2-1 sessions

  3. First published.