Dependent family members in work routes: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on considering applications from people who wish to enter or remain in the UK as a dependent family member.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff consider applications from people who wish to enter or stay in the UK as a dependent family member of those who currently have permission on a work route, or who have settled in the UK on such a route.
Updates to this page
Guidance updated with changes to care worker dependant requirements and the criminal records check list.
In the 'children from previous relationships' section: the definition of 'parent' in the Immigration Rules has changed.
Updated the dependent family members in work route caseworker guidance with changes related to the use of SOC 2020 in place of SOC 2010, and clarifying the qualifying period.
Guidance updated in line with rules changes restricting dependants of care workers and senior care workers.
Updated version of guidance published.
Updated guidance to correct endorsement details for entry clearance.
Guidance updated due to expansion of routes covered by Appendix Relationship with Partner.
Switching rules for those switching from student routes updated.
Corrected references to Appendix Relationship with Partner which is not yet live.
Updated guidance in line with the Immigration Rules changes on 12 April.
Scale-up route dependant references added to reflect changes to Immigration Rules that came into force on 22 August 2022.
Guidance updated with reference to dependants of the High Potential Individual route.
Guidance updated to reflect expansion of Intra-Company routes to Global Business Mobility routes.
Updated guidance.
Co-habitation requirements for unmarried partners have been clarified; guidance on exceptional circumstances for parents where the other parent cannot travel; clarifying the status requirement of a second parent; updating references in line with recent rules changes; clarifying how to address children from previous relationships.
First published.