DfT major projects: appointment letters for Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
DfT appointment letters for Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Senior Responsible Owners.
The guidance for officials giving evidence to Parliamentary Select Committees, known as the Osmotherly Rules, was updated on the 17 October 2014. As part of this update government is committed to publishing GMPP SRO letters of appointment.
Each government department publishes the letters of appointment for their GMPP SROs. These letters include the date of appointment, project deliverables, the tenure of the role linked to key project milestones and the extent and limit of their accountability.
Updates to this page
Public Ownership Transition Programme SRO appointment letter added.
East West Rail CS1 SRO appointment letter added.
Second-Generation Search and Rescue Aviation programme (UKSAR2G) SRO appointment letter updated.
HS2 Programme SRO appointment letter added.
Added SRO appointment letters for the Rail Transformation Programme and A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project
Senior responsible owner appointments for A12, A417 and Midlands rail hub.
Northern Powerhouse Rail programme's SRO appointment letter added.
Added in Senior Responsible Owner for the Rail Passenger Services programme appointment letter and removed previous Rail Passenger Services response to COVID-19 letter.
New appointments of Nick Bisson to the East Coast Main Line enhancements programme and Cavendish Elithorn to the Midland Main Line programme announced.
Added Rapid Charging Fund project's SRO appointment letter.
Added East Coast digital railway programme's SRO appointment letter.
Added senior responsible owner appointment letter for the rail transformation programme.
Release of Lower Thames crossing and passenger services response to COVID-19 senior responsible owners appointment letters.
April and May 2021 appointment letters for A303, Crossrail, East West Rail, Great Western Route Modernisation Programme, HS2, Thameslink, Second-Generation Search and Rescue Aviation programme, Transpennine Route Upgrade Programme, Brighton Mainline Upgrade Programme and A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements scheme.
Reappointment of Heathrow Expansion programme’s senior responsible officer letter released.
Updated SRO letter for East West Rail programme.
Senior Responsible Owner appointment letter for the high speed rail programme.
New Senior Responsible Owners appointment letters for north of England, Great Western route, Midland Mainline, east west rail, south west route and airport capacity.
New Senior Responsible Owners appointment letters for Crossrail, Intercity express and Thameslink.
First published.