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A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement programme SRO appointment letter: addendum

Updated 5 February 2025


Permanent Secretary & Chief Executive of the Highways Agency Chief Executive, Major Projects Authority

Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road


Chris Taylor

Federation House
London Road
Dorking Road


26 March 2015

Dear Chris,

Subject: Appointment as Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the A14 Cambridge to Huntington Improvement Project

Addendum to Letter of Appointment dated 9 October 2014

In addition to the responsibilities and accountabilities outlined in Graham Dalton’s letter of 9 October 2014, the publication of guidance for Giving Evidence to Select Committees - Guidance for Civil Servants on 17 October 2014 (PDF, 287KB) has occasioned the need to bring to your attention your new responsibilities and accountabilities as SRO of the Project.

As SRO you have personal responsibility for delivery of the A14 Cambridge to Huntington Improvement Project and will be held accountable for the delivery of its objectives and policy intent - for securing and protecting its vision, for ensuring that it is governed responsibly, reported honestly, escalated appropriately and for influencing constructively the context, culture and operating environment of the Project.

You will carry out this role alongside your other responsibilities and must ensure that you allocate sufficient time to enable the effective delivery of the role and responsibilities, as set out in your appointment letter. This will be periodically reviewed to ensure that an appropriate balance is maintained across your portfolio of activities.

In addition to your internal accountabilities, you should also be aware that SROs will now be held personally accountable to Parliamentary Select Committees. You will be expected to account for and explain the decisions and actions you have taken to deliver the project (or specific milestones). In your case this means that from the date of signature of this letter you will be held personally accountable and could be called by Select Committees for delivery of the A14 Cambridge to Huntington Improvement Project.

It is important to be clear that your accountability relates only to implementation: it will remain for the Minister to account for the relevant policy decisions and development.

The Project Status is reflected in the most recent quarterly return on the programme to the Major Projects Authority and is the agreed position of the project.

Your appointment letter (and this addendum) is valid for two years during which, under current plans, you will be expected to deliver the milestones noted in your appointment letter, following which a further letter will be issued. Progress towards this will be reflected in your personal objectives.

The MPLA builds the skills of senior project leaders across government, making it easier to carry out complex projects effectively. This reduces the need for expensive professional advice from outside government, while strengthening skills within the civil service. You will be submitting an application to the MPA for Cohort 14 of the course.

To widen experience and understanding of the role, SROs are expected to become accredited Major Project reviewers and to lead or participate in such reviews for other Government departments, the wider public sector or other areas of the Department for Transport as appropriate. You will be required to participate in such reviews once every 12 months to maintain your accreditation.

You should also make sure you understand the guidance Giving Evidence to Select Committees - Guidance for Civil Servants (PDF, 287KB). You should also make yourself aware of the Major Projects Authority (MPA) guidance on management of major projects.

Yours sincerely,


Philip Rutnam

Permanent Secretary

Department for Transport


David Blackall

Acting Chief Executive

Major Projects Authority


Graham Dalton

Chief Executive

Highways Agency

I confirm that I accept the addendum to appointment including my personal accountability for implementation of the project as detailed in the letter above.

Name of SRO: Chris Taylor
