Diabetic eye screening: slit lamp examination
Information for people who cannot be screened using digital photography and need a slit lamp examination instead.
Applies to England
This information explains diabetic eye screening using slit lamp and why it is offered.
It should be provided, with the invitation to screening, to people who cannot be screened using digital photography.
This information is available above in A4 PDF format (in English) to print out and provide for people who cannot access digital information.
This information is also available in 10 other languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian and Urdu.
Updates to this page
Updated contact email address to NHS England details.
Updating confidentiality section, replacing mention of Public Health England with NHS England.
Addition of plain A4 PDF version for printing, to provide for people unable to access this information online.
Added diabetic eye screening: slit lamp examination translations in accessible HTML format.
Addition of accessible HTML version of leaflet.
Added opt-out and use of personal information details to leaflet.
First published.