Promotional material

Diabetic retinopathy: description in brief

Information explaining diabetic retinopathy, a disease screened for by the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme.



This information explains diabetic retinopathy for people who have background retinopathy detected in screening.

This information is available above in A4 PDF format (in English) to print out and provide for people who cannot access digital information.

This information is available in 10 other languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian and Urdu.

Contact the screening helpdesk with any queries about this publication, making sure you include its full title.

Updates to this page

Published 30 January 2015
Last updated 27 July 2022 show all updates
  1. Updating confidentiality section, replacing mention of Public Health England with NHS England.

  2. Addition of plain A4 PDF version for printing, to provide for people unable to access this information online.

  3. Translations converted to HTML.

  4. Added HTML version of leaflet.

  5. Updated leaflet with opt-out and use of personal information.

  6. First published.

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