Diphtheria: surveillance forms for follow-up of toxigenic cases
HPTs and healthcare practitioners must complete these forms and send them to UKHSA to enable monitoring of diphtheria cases in England.
Applies to England
Surveillance forms for follow-up of confirmed toxigenic cases of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, C. ulcerans/C. pseudotuberculosis. Each one is to be filled in by a different category of reporter:
For health protection teams (HPTs) – data collection form for asylum seekers.
For HPTs, as part of the management of toxigenic cases – the national surveillance form for follow-up of confirmed toxigenic cases.
For the registered GP 6 to 8 weeks after confirmation of a toxigenic case – the GP follow-up of confirmed toxigenic cases for patient outcome form.
For clinicians in charge of toxigenic cases that have been administered diphtheria anti-toxin (DAT) – the follow-up of use of diphtheria anti-toxin form.
Further information is available in ‘Public health control and management of diphtheria in England’ and the ‘Supplementary guidance for cases and outbreaks in asylum seeker accommodation settings’.