
Request your personal information from the Department for Work and Pensions

You have the right to get a copy of the information that is held about you. This is called the 'right of access'.

If you need proof of a benefit claim

A proof of benefit letter can be used to show your work history, prove that you live in the UK or that you’re entitled to things like:

  • free school meals
  • funding for eye tests, training and travel
  • other benefits

It can also help with any TV license enquiries.

You can contact us to get a copy of:

  • the amounts (rates) of benefit you get and the dates you’re paid
  • your last fit note
  • your letter of entitlement to benefit (if within the last 5 years)
  • evidence used in a dispute or investigation
  • your pension forecast
  • your Child Maintenance Service account information

Get a proof of benefit letter online

You can get a proof of benefit letter online if you are currently getting:

  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • State Pension

If you’re claiming Universal Credit and have an online account, you can save a copy of your Universal Credit statement.

If you cannot apply online or need further information

You will need to phone the office that pays your benefit if you:

  • need a letter to prove you’re getting a different benefit
  • need a letter sent to you in Welsh, or in an alternative format such as braille
  • have recently changed address and not updated the address on your benefit record
  • live outside Great Britain or Northern Ireland

You can find their contact details on a letter they’ve sent you, or through guidance about the benefit.

If you want access to CCTV footage

The company that is responsible for the security of a DWP office normally controls access to CCTV footage. If you want to access CCTV footage containing images of you in a DWP office, you should request it directly from the security company. Signs in the area covered by the cameras will display the name of the company and how to contact them. As CCTV footage is often only stored for a short time, you should make your request as soon as you can.

If you need a copy of any other information that DWP holds about you

You can request your personal information online.

You can also write to DWP. Include a description of the information you want (for example Jobseeker’s Allowance records), the time period you need the information to cover and your:

  • full name
  • full address
  • date of birth
  • National Insurance number
  • telephone number if you’re requesting call recordings

Post your written request to:

Right of Access Requests
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 2EF

Solicitors or other third parties: request information on behalf of someone else

Write to DWP using the request form for third parties (ODT, 25.8 KB).

We’ll need to get the consent of the other person (the ‘subject’) before we can begin your request. The guidance in the form explains how we do this.

When you should get a reply to your personal information request

We’ll send you the personal information you have asked for as soon as possible. This will be within 1 month from when we get your request, as long as your request gives enough information to identify you and the information you ask for. If it doesn’t, we’ll contact you.

How we collect and use information

The DWP personal information charter contains the standards you can expect when we ask for, or hold, your personal information. It also explains the other rights you have under data protection law.

Updates to this page

Published 25 May 2018
Last updated 5 July 2023
  1. If you’re claiming Universal Credit and have an online account, you can save a copy of your Universal Credit statement.

  2. Added translation

  3. Re added link to 'request your personal information online'.

  4. Removed the link to the online request for personal information service as there is currently a problem with the service.

  5. Minor Welsh change to match English change

  6. Added a message that there was a problem with the online request for personal information service from 2.45pm until 6.15pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023. We may not have received your request if you requested personal information during this time. If you have not received your personal information, please submit a new request.

  7. Added a link to the Get a proof of benefit service.

  8. Added information about how to request footage from CCTV cameras at DWP offices.

  9. Added note advising people to resend any requests made between 18 October 2018 and 1 November 2018.

  10. Updated the personal information request form for third parties (ODT file).

  11. Updated the section about how to get proof of a benefit claim, including examples of what this information can be used for and that this can be requested from a benefit office.

  12. Added simplified third party request form.

  13. Updated the third party request form to reflect the new legal terms under GDPR.

  14. First published.

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