Screening in pregnancy: dating scan
Information about the first trimester ultrasound scan, also known as the pregnancy dating scan.
This publication explains to pregnant women:
- the purpose of the scan
- what will happen in the scan room
- procedures after the scan
- what happens if a problem is found or suspected
- what will happen if the scan cannot be completed
This information is available in A4 PDF format (in English) to print out and provide for people who cannot access digital information (see list above).
Updates to this page
Updated NHS England contact information. Removed the 'for print' file as the HTML version can be used to print.
Addition of plain A4 PDF version for printing, to provide for people unable to access this information online.
Changed page title to be consistent with accepted terminology.
Minor changes to the wording on use of personal information (at the end of the publication).
Updated information sheet following programme review.
Updated copyright and use of personal data statements.
Updated and rebranded leaflet artwork.
First published.