Easy read: Carer’s Allowance
These easy read guides explain what Carer’s Allowance is and how you can apply for it.
These easy read guides tell you:
- about Carer’s Allowance
- who can get it
- how it affects other benefits
- how to apply for Carer’s Allowance
- how to report a change in your circumstances
- what to do if you disagree with our decision
Easy read documents are designed to make information accessible to people with learning disabilities. If you do not need an easy read format, read the Carer’s Allowance guidance.
Updates to this page
Revised the 'An introduction to Carer’s Allowance: easy read' documents, their new reference numbers are CA1ER_0622 (English) and A1WER_0622 (Welsh). A line on page 14 has been changed: 'If you get State Pension, you can still get Carer’s Allowance if this is less than your State Pension benefits' now correctly says 'If you get State Pension, you can still get Carer’s Allowance if this is more than your State Pension'.
Added translation