
Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth: ffurflen gwaith a ganiateir

Defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon i ddweud wrthym os ydych yn gweithio, neu eisiau gweithio, tra'n hawlio Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth (ESA).


Ffurflen gwaith a ganiateir

Taflen ffeithiau gwaith a ganiateir


Os ydych yn hawlio ESA, cwblhewch y ffurflen gwaith a ganiateir cyn i chi ddechrau unrhyw waith â thâl neu ddi-dâl.

Postiwch ef i’r cyfeiriad sydd ar frig unrhyw lythyr ESA rydym wedi’u hanfon atoch. Peidiwch â mynd â’r ffurflen hon i’ch swyddfa Canolfan Byd Gwaith.

Gallech golli eich budd-dal os byddwch yn gwneud unrhyw fath o waith sydd ddim yn bodloni’r amodau. Os na allwch anfon y ffurflen cyn rydych yn dechrau gweithio, anfonnwch hi cyn gynted â phosibl ar ôl dechrau gweithio.

Os ydych angen y ffurflen hon mewn fformat gwahanol

Cysylltwch â’r Canolfan Byd Gwaith i ofyn am:

  • gopi o’r ffurflen wedi’i hargraffu
  • fformat gwahanol, fel print mawr, braille neu CD sain

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 3 April 2017
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 8 April 2024 + show all updates
  1. Published the latest versions of the form 'Permitted work form you can print and fill in with a pen' in English and Welsh. Updated the English and Welsh 'Permitted work: factsheet' to show that permitted work now allows earnings up to £183.50 every week after tax.

  2. We have added an accessible HTML version of the Permitted work factsheet.

  3. Updated with the latest benefit rates, effective from 10 April 2023

  4. Updated the information about where to send the form.

  5. Updated with the latest rates.

  6. Published new version of the English permitted work form.

  7. Updated with the latest rates effective from 12 April 2021.

  8. Published the latest versions of the form 'Permitted work form you can print and fill in with a pen' in English and Welsh. Updated the English and Welsh 'Permitted work: factsheet' to show that permitted work now allows earnings up to £140 every week after tax.

  9. Added updated permitted work factsheets in HTML format in both English and Welsh.

  10. Published new versions of the English and Welsh permitted work forms.

  11. Added updated permitted work form in English and Welsh, as well as corresponding factsheets. The form now includes the correct weekly permitted work earnings and the new 0800 phone number.

  12. First published.

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