Policy paper

Environment: HS2 Phase 2a information papers

How HS2 Ltd will meet environmental commitments and the expected impacts on the environment for HS2 Phase 2a.


HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Ecology

HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Air quality

HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Land drainage

HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Archaeology

HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Burial grounds

HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Carbon


Series E of our information papers outline how environmental impacts have been assessed and how they will be mitigated or compensated for during the construction of HS2 (Phase 2a). This includes the:

  • environmental controls set out in the Bill (and environmental minimum requirements)
  • ecological impact of construction and operation and the mitigation in place to address this
  • approach to controlling noise and air quality effects during construction and operation
  • approach to managing excavated material and waste that will arise from construction
  • approach to assessing and mitigating impacts on water resources and flood risk
  • assessment and treatment of contaminated land
  • approach to assessing any impact on archaeological remains that could result from construction works
  • resilience and capacity of Phase 2a to cope with potential climate change impacts

Updates to this page

Published 17 July 2017
Last updated 11 February 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated Phase 2a Information paper: Control of environmental impacts, Ecology, Management of traffic during construction, Highways and traffic during construction - legislative provisions, Roads and public rights of way, Private means of access, Future highway maintenance responsibilities, Vehicle flow management and safety requirements during construction, Control of airborne noise, Ground-borne noise and vibration, Control of noise from the operation of stationary systems, Operational noise and vibration monitoring framework, Control of construction noise and vibration, Air quality, Water resources flood risk and authorisation of related work, Land drainage, Excavated material, Land quality, Soil handling for land restoration, Maintenance of landscaped areas, Balancing ponds and replacement flood storage areas, mitigation of significant community effects on public open space and community facilities, Approach to sustainability, Archaeology, Burial grounds, Climate change adaptation and resilience, Carbon, Green infrastructure and the green corridor, Guide to the environment statement and the change log.

  2. E13 and change log updated

  3. Several papers updated - see change log for info

  4. E29 added and change log updated

  5. Several updates made - see change log for details

  6. First published.

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