
HS2 Phase 2a: Assurances given during Select Committee

Assurances offered to specified businesses or individuals who have raised issues in their petition against the Phase 2a Bill.


HS2 Phase 2a assurances: Staffordshire County Council


The assurances offered by HS2 are summarised below.

The National Farmers Union and the Country, Land and Business Association in respect of Phase 2a. In each case, the assurances come in two parts, those to the NFU/CLA themselves (Part A) and additional generic assurances that the Promoter would be prepared to give to farmer or rural business owner petitioners on a case by case basis (Part B).

Assurances offered to Staffordshire County Council covering a range of issues raised in their petition against the Phase 2a Bill.

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Published 9 May 2018
Last updated 12 June 2018 show all updates
  1. Assurances to the NFU updated

  2. First published.

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