[Withdrawn] 047/20 Launch of GOV.UK 'European Structural and Investment Funds Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response' website page
Updated 21 February 2025
The information in this Action Note is out of date and should not be used. This Action Note was withdrawn on 30 June 2023 and is published here for information only.
Date Issued | 26 March 2020 |
Review Date | 30 June 2020 |
Who should read
This Action Note is to all ESF beneficiary organisations (Grant Recipients and Co-financing Organisations), the Greater London Authority and other Intermediate Bodies - and Local Enterprise Partnerships.
To announce the launch today (26 March 2020) of a ‘European Structural and Investment Funds Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response’ page on GOV.UK as a live ‘Go To’ place to access the latest Q&As and supporting information/communications on the ESF (and ESIF) programme response to COVID-19 including future delivery arrangements.
You are asked to:
Note the launch of the new ‘European Structural and Investment Funds Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response’ page on GOV.UK as the ‘Go To’ place for the latest available information for all ESF (and ESIF) Funding Recipients and Delivery Partners; including the ESF (and other ESIF) programme Q&A document(s) that will be updated regularly. The initial ESF Q&A responses reflect the range of queries and issues the ESF Managing Authority is considering and consulting on at this time.
Regularly access the new website page as there will be new content plus frequent updates to the ESF Q&A - including revisions to individual responses - as more information becomes available.
Publicise the launch of the new ESIF Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response website page to your colleagues, delivery partners and networks and encourage them to access it regularly.
Note that ESF Action Note 046/2020 published on 20 March 2020 is no longer current. Its purpose was to provide an initial response to early questions, pending the launch of this ESIF COVID-19 Response website page.
If you have any questions about this Action Note please contact: esf.2014-2020@dwp.gov.uk