ESF Action Notes: 2014 to 2020 programme
Action notes to inform European Social Fund (ESF) grant recipients of an action they must complete.
ESF action notes are formal communications issued to inform all Grant Recipients (GR) about specific issues they need to act on.
Action Notes may support updates of eligibility rules and programme guidance documents drawing attention to specific rules or requirements that are either new or have been modified. Others may focus on more technical information or one off requests and opportunities the managing authority needs to make a GR aware of or potentially act on.
Action notes are separate from and do not replace:
- funding agreement terms
- published ESF (or European Structural Investment Fund) eligibility rules
- programme guidance
- other requirements in documents published on GOV.UK
How to receive Action Notes
If you would like to receive the Action Notes, please email your details to and include ‘Action Notes’ in the subject heading.
Queries about ESF Action Notes
If you have queries about ESF Action Notes please email or if you are an ESF GR contact your contract manager.
The ESF programme continues to invest in projects after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. All funding must finish by the end of 2023.
Read more on the European Structural and Investment Funds.
Updates to this page
Published 26 June 2017Last updated 21 February 2025 + show all updates
Added 107/25 Action required: This is a reminder to all ESF 2014 to 2020 Programme Beneficiaries of their on-going responsibilities if their organisation experiences a data protection breach, 108/25 Action required: This is a reminder to all ESF 2014 to 2020 Programme Beneficiaries of their on-going responsibilities regarding Freedom of Information requests (FOI) and 109/25 Action required: This is a reminder to all ESF 2014 to 2020 Programme Beneficiaries of their on-going responsibilities regarding Right of Access requests.
Added Action Note 106/24 to the page. This has information about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the responsibilities of European Social Fund (ESF) beneficiaries in the prevention and detection of fraud in ESF projects.
ESF Action Notes 029/18, 030/19, 033/19, 034/19, 035/19 and 037/19 are now withdrawn
New Action Note 105/24 Final date for submission of participant contact details for the evaluation
Added '104/24 Action Required: Defrayal of expenditure after 31st December 2023.'
Added ESF Action Note 103/23: ESF 2014 to 2020 Mandatory Programme Closure Document Retention and Contacts.
Added Action Note 102/23 to address the fact that some project procurements are showing on the Procurement Register as ‘planned’ when they are no longer required and some have yet to be added.
Withdrawals reversed: 089/22 Final PCR Dates and Underperformance Action reminder 075/22 Reminder to all ESF beneficiary organisations of the need to submit claims by ESF deadlines 072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance 070/21 Revisions to National Eligibility and Programme Guidance 069/21 Revision to Simplified Cost Options (SCO) Guidance on Annual Gross Employment Costs and how they are calculated 066/21 Use of Electronic signatures within ESF Programme Grant Recipient documentation and as verification evidence from ESF participants. 065/21: Amendment to I.P 2.2 Annex – Request for Grant Recipients to provide a forecast quarterly profile. 064/21 Confirmation of the position regarding ESF participants moving into Kickstart funded vacancies and ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies. 062/21: Claiming European Social Fund within agreed claim timescales 061/21 – European Social Fund Managing Authority – confirmation of the position regarding ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies 060/21 Updating Cross Cutting Theme Implementation Plans for COVID-related Action and Request for Examples of Good Practice 059/21 Dual Forecast and Submission Forms Claims 2021 058/21 Change to State Aid Guidance and Valuing of aid 056/20 Update to Action Note 052/2020: Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating / ill due to COVID 19 and unable to work and who are working on ESF projects that started after Q4 2019 claim period. 055/20 Updated ESF National Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance. New Simplified Cost Options Guidance 054/20 Clarification on the requirement that only participants achieving RQF-accredited qualifications be counted when reporting on the qualification-related ESF result indicators. 053/20 Participant Data Schema update 052/2020 Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work 049/20 COVID-19 - Managing Authority response to support Grant Recipients 048/20 New ESF Flat Rate Simplified Cost Option methodology and associated claims process for ESF Technical Assistance projects. 018/18 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF. 015/18 YEI update 012/18 Stipends and Bursaries in the ESF 2014-2020 Programme 011/18 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) Funding 089/22 Final PCR Dates and Underperformance Action reminder 075/22 Reminder to all ESF beneficiary organisations of the need to submit claims by ESF deadlines 072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance 070/21 Revisions to National Eligibility and Programme Guidance 069/21 Revision to Simplified Cost Options (SCO) Guidance on Annual Gross Employment Costs and how they are calculated 066/21 Use of Electronic signatures within ESF Programme Grant Recipient documentation and as verification evidence from ESF participants. 065/21: Amendment to I.P 2.2 Annex – Request for Grant Recipients to provide a forecast quarterly profile. 064/21 Confirmation of the position regarding ESF participants moving into Kickstart funded vacancies and ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies. 062/21: Claiming European Social Fund within agreed claim timescales 061/21 – European Social Fund Managing Authority – confirmation of the position regarding ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies 060/21 Updating Cross Cutting Theme Implementation Plans for COVID-related Action and Request for Examples of Good Practice 059/21 Dual Forecast and Submission Forms Claims 2021 058/21 Change to State Aid Guidance and Valuing of aid 056/20 Update to Action Note 052/2020: Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating / ill due to COVID 19 and unable to work and who are working on ESF projects that started after Q4 2019 claim period. 055/20 Updated ESF National Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance. New Simplified Cost Options Guidance 054/20 Clarification on the requirement that only participants achieving RQF-accredited qualifications be counted when reporting on the qualification-related ESF result indicators. 053/20 Participant Data Schema update 052/2020 Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work 049/20 COVID-19 - Managing Authority response to support Grant Recipients 048/20 New ESF Flat Rate Simplified Cost Option methodology and associated claims process for ESF Technical Assistance projects.
[Withdrawn] 089/22 Final PCR Dates and Underperformance Action reminder [Withdrawn] 088/22 Revised Action Note: Additional Funding Available for European Social Fund Direct Bid Projects [Withdrawn] 087/22 To provide clarity to Grant Recipients on Underperformance [Withdrawn] 075/22 Reminder to all ESF beneficiary organisations of the need to submit claims by ESF deadlines [Withdrawn] 074/22 Celebrating the England European Social Fund 2014-2020 Programme: 17 March 2022 online event [Withdrawn] 072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance [Withdrawn] 071/21 Reversal of COVID-19 Easements: Recommencement of Visits to ESF projects [Withdrawn] 070/21 Revisions to National Eligibility and Programme Guidance [Withdrawn] 069/21 Revision to Simplified Cost Options (SCO) Guidance on Annual Gross Employment Costs and how they are calculated [Withdrawn] 066/21 Use of Electronic signatures within ESF Programme Grant Recipient documentation and as verification evidence from ESF participants. [Withdrawn] 065/21: Amendment to I.P 2.2 Annex – Request for Grant Recipients to provide a forecast quarterly profile. [Withdrawn] 064/21 Confirmation of the position regarding ESF participants moving into Kickstart funded vacancies and ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies. [Withdrawn] 062/21: Claiming European Social Fund within agreed claim timescales [Withdrawn] 061/21 – European Social Fund Managing Authority – confirmation of the position regarding ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies [Withdrawn] 060/21 Updating Cross Cutting Theme Implementation Plans for COVID-related Action and Request for Examples of Good Practice [Withdrawn] 059/21 Dual Forecast and Submission Forms Claims 2021 [Withdrawn] 058/21 Change to State Aid Guidance and Valuing of aid [Withdrawn] 056/20 Update to Action Note 052/2020: Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating / ill due to COVID 19 and unable to work and who are working on ESF projects that started after Q4 2019 claim period. [Withdrawn] 054/20 Clarification on the requirement that only participants achieving RQF-accredited qualifications be counted when reporting on the qualification-related ESF result indicators. [Withdrawn] 053/20 Participant Data Schema update [Withdrawn] 052/2020 Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work [Withdrawn] 051/20 Temporary Framework for State Aid for COVID-19 responses [Withdrawn] 048/20 New ESF Flat Rate Simplified Cost Option methodology and associated claims process for ESF Technical Assistance projects. [Withdrawn] 089/22 Final PCR Dates and Underperformance Action reminder [Withdrawn] 088/22 Revised Action Note: Additional Funding Available for European Social Fund Direct Bid Projects [Withdrawn] 087/22 To provide clarity to Grant Recipients on Underperformance [Withdrawn] 075/22 Reminder to all ESF beneficiary organisations of the need to submit claims by ESF deadlines [Withdrawn] 074/22 Celebrating the England European Social Fund 2014-2020 Programme: 17 March 2022 online event [Withdrawn] 072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance [Withdrawn] 071/21 Reversal of COVID-19 Easements: Recommencement of Visits to ESF projects [Withdrawn] 070/21 Revisions to National Eligibility and Programme Guidance [Withdrawn] 069/21 Revision to Simplified Cost Options (SCO) Guidance on Annual Gross Employment Costs and how they are calculated [Withdrawn] 066/21 Use of Electronic signatures within ESF Programme Grant Recipient documentation and as verification evidence from ESF participants. [Withdrawn] 065/21: Amendment to I.P 2.2 Annex – Request for Grant Recipients to provide a forecast quarterly profile. [Withdrawn] 064/21 Confirmation of the position regarding ESF participants moving into Kickstart funded vacancies and ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies. [Withdrawn] 062/21: Claiming European Social Fund within agreed claim timescales [Withdrawn] 061/21 – European Social Fund Managing Authority – confirmation of the position regarding ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies [Withdrawn] 060/21 Updating Cross Cutting Theme Implementation Plans for COVID-related Action and Request for Examples of Good Practice [Withdrawn] 059/21 Dual Forecast and Submission Forms Claims 2021 [Withdrawn] 058/21 Change to State Aid Guidance and Valuing of aid [Withdrawn] 056/20 Update to Action Note 052/2020: Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating / ill due to COVID 19 and unable to work and who are working on ESF projects that started after Q4 2019 claim period. [Withdrawn] 054/20 Clarification on the requirement that only participants achieving RQF-accredited qualifications be counted when reporting on the qualification-related ESF result indicators. [Withdrawn] 053/20 Participant Data Schema update [Withdrawn] 052/2020 Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work [Withdrawn] 051/20 Temporary Framework for State Aid for COVID-19 responses [Withdrawn] 048/20 New ESF Flat Rate Simplified Cost Option methodology and associated claims process for ESF Technical Assistance projects.
[Withdrawn] 049/20 COVID-19 - Managing Authority response to support Grant Recipients [Withdrawn] 020/18 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF - additional advice [Withdrawn] 019/18 - New Assessment Scoring Procedures for Equality and Sustainable Development in ESF [Withdrawn] 018/18 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF. [Withdrawn] 017/18 Dual Forecast and Submission Form - Claims 2018 [Withdrawn] 015/18 YEI update [Withdrawn] 014/18 YEI holding Action Note [Withdrawn] 013/18 National Technical Assistance Call - Existing ESF Technical Asistance Projects [Withdrawn] 012/18 Stipends and Bursaries in the ESF 2014-2020 Programme [Withdrawn] 011/18 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) Funding [Withdrawn] 005/17 contact details guidance updated [Withdrawn] 004/17 changes to branding and publicity requirements [Withdrawn] 003/17 claims guidance for Grant Recipients and CFOs [Withdrawn] 049/20 COVID-19 - Managing Authority response to support Grant Recipients
[WITHDRAWN] 003/17 claims guidance for Grant Recipients and CFOs
[Withdrawn] 047/20 Launch of GOV.UK 'European Structural and Investment Funds Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response' website page and [Withdrawn] 046/20 COVID-19: Impact on ESF Programme: Managing Authority update.
[Withdrawn] 021/18 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) funding
[Withdrawn] 038/19 Simplified Cost Options Staff Costs
[Withdrawn] 067/21 A Change to the Requirement to Supply ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Forms
[Withdrawn] 055/20 Updated ESF National Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance. New Simplified Cost Options Guidance
[Withdrawn] 057/20 Eligibility Rules & Programme Guidance Revision -- Changes to the Eligibility of European Economic Area Nationals (EEA) for ESF Support from 1 January 2021 and a minor amendment to Participant Allowance section
[Withdrawn] 063/21 Confirming arrangements for the ESF Project Change Request extension and additional funding process to replace Open Calls.
ESF Action Note Action required: Annual Review of 1720 Staff Hourly Rates that affect costs in the Q4 2023 claim has been added.
ESF Action Note 100/23 Changes to the National Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance has been added.
ESF Action Note 099/23 Clarification of final Programme claims and defrayed costs up to and including 31/12/2023 has been added.
ESF Action Note 098/23 Clarification of final Programme claims and defrayed costs up to and including 31/12/2023 has been added.
[Withdrawn] 022/18 ESF Action Note: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF – the information in this action note is out of date and should not be used.
[Withdrawn] 002/17 change to IP2.2 reporting process - the information in this action note is out of date and should not be used.
ESF Action Note 097/23 Funding available under European Social Fund Priority Axis 5: The Integration of Third Country Nationals - Flexible Assistance for Territories - Cohesion's Action for Refugees in Europe (FAST-CARE) has been added.
ESF Action Note 096/23 Change to submission deadline for Desk Based Evidence Check documentary evidence has been added.
ESF Action Note 095/23 Publication of Revised Operational Programme has been added.
ESF Action Note 094/23 Claims Deadline Reminder has been added.
Added ESF Action Note 093/22 Bank Details, Change of Bank Details and Authorised Signatories.
Added ESF Action Note 092/22 Notification of Change to Underperformance Policy. In addition, Action Note 001/17 and Action Note 010/18 have been withdrawn.
Added ESF Action Note 091/22, Timescales for Final Claims to the 2014 to 2020 ESF Programme.
ESF Action Note 090/22 To provide clarity to Grant Recipients on Submitting Claims has been added.
Added ESF Action Note 089/22 Final PCR Dates and Underperformance Action reminder.
Revised Action Note 088-22: Additional Funding Available for European Social Fund Direct Bid Projects has been added.
ESF Action Note 086-22 ECLAIMS Process for Self-Declared Adjustment Applicant Guidance has been added. ESF Action Note 087-22 to provide clarity to Grant Recipients on Underperformance.
Action Note 085/22 Additional Funding Available for European Social Fund Direct Bid Projects has been published.
Added Action Note 084-22, about recent guidance changes.
ESF Action Note 083-22 Revised sample Granular Budget template and Stand Alone Staff Cost Master List has been added.
ESF Action Note 082/22 Simplified Cost Option: ESF Staff Cost Methodology 4 (fixed percentage) has been published.
Added ESF Action Note 081/22, Unacceptable Behaviour.
ESF Action Note 080/22 to provide clarity to Grant Recipients when claiming procured Direct Staff Costs and the application of Flat Rate Indirect Costs has been published.
Added ESF Action Note 079/22 Revised Claims Guidance for Grant Recipients and Co-Financing Organisations.
Added ESF Action Note 078/22, providing ESF support to Ukrainian refugees.
ESF Action Note 077/22 Multiple projects supporting one participant has been added.
The following ESF Action Point 076/22 Publication of England 2014-2020 European Social Fund (ESF) Programme national evaluation reports has been published.
Added ESF Action Note 075/22 - this is an important reminder to all ESF beneficiary organisations of the need to submit claims by ESF deadline.
Added ESF Action Note 074/22 - this has information about an online event celebrating the England European Social Fund 2014-2020 Programme on 17 March 2022. Registration for the event closes on Friday 11 February 2022.
Action Note 073/21: Restart Scheme and European Social Fund (ESF) Programme Eligibility has been published.
Added ESF Action Note 072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and programme guidance.
ESF Action Note 071/21 Reversal of COVID-19 easements: Recommencement of visits to ESF projects has been published.
Added Action Note 070/21, Revisions to the National Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance.
Added Action Note 069/21 Revision to Simplified Cost Options (SCO) Guidance on Annual Gross Employment Costs and how they are calculated.
Added Action Note 068/21 Future ESF Programme Delivery arrangements, including the Direct Bid claims process which apply from Quarter 3 2021
Action Note 067/21 A Change to the requirement to supply ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Forms
Added Action Note European Social Fund 066/21 Use of Electronic signatures within ESF Programme Grant Recipient documentation and as verification evidence from ESF participants.
Added Action Note 065/21 – this confirms that a revised version of the ESF Annex I.P 2.2 has been published on GOV.UK. Grant Recipients and Applicants are required to note and understand the changes to the ESF Annex IP 2.2 and take the required action detailed within this document.
ESF Action Note 064/21 Confirmation of the position regarding ESF participants moving into Kickstart funded vacancies and ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies has been added.
ESF Action Note 063/21 Confirming arrangements for the ESF Project Change Request extension and additional funding process to replace Open Calls has been added.
Added Action Note 062/21: Claiming European Social Fund within agreed claim timescales.
Added ESF Action Note 060/21,Updating Cross Cutting Theme Implementation Plans for COVID-related Action & Request for Examples of Good Practice and the ESF Action Note 061/21 – European Social Fund Managing Authority – confirmation of the position regarding ESF eligibility for people employed in Kickstart funded vacancies
Added ESF Action Note 058/21 "Change to State Aid Guidance and Valuing of aid " and ESF Action Note 059/21 "Dual Forecast and Submission Form Claims 2021".
ESF Action Note 051/20 has been updated.
Revised Action Note 057-20 - amended to correct the date. It now correctly states 'Recipients to note the new participant eligibility criteria which will apply from 1 January 2021'.
Added Action Note 056/20 - this is an update to Action Note 052/2020, and Acton Note 057/20 - this sets out the new participant eligibility criteria for European Social Fund (ESF) support which will apply from 1 January 2021.
Action Note 055/20 Updated ESF National Eligibility Rules an Programme Guidance. New Simplified Cost Options Guidance has been added.
ESF Action Note 054/20 - Clarification on the requirement that only participants achieving RQF-accredited qualifications be counted when reporting on the qualification-related ESF result indicators has been added.
Added ESF Action Note 053-20 Participant Data Schema and Participant Data Schema guidance.
Action Note 052/20 Hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work, has been updated and republished.
The Action Note 051/20 Temporary Framework for State Aid for COVID-19 responses has been updated.
Added Action Note 052/20, 1720 hourly rate salary costs for project staff who are self-isolating/ill due to COVID-19 and unable to work has been added.
Updated ESF Action Note 051/20 published on 26 May 2020 to reflect that it is currently being reviewed.
ESF Action Note 051/20 Temporary easement to State Aid De Minimis level has been added
ESF Action Note 050/20 Changes to ECLAIMS process for user permission at project level has been added.
ESF Action Note 049/20 COVID-19 - Managing Authority response to support Grant Recipients has been added.
ESF Action Note 048/20 New ESF Flat Rate Simplified Cost Option methodology and associated claims process for ESF Technical Assistance projects has been added.
Added 'ESF Action Note 047/20 launch of GOV.UK 'European Structural and Investment Funds Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response' website page'.
Added ESF Action Note 46/20 COVID-19: Impact on ESF Programme - Managing Authority update.
Action Note 045/20 Changes to ECLAIMS process for submission of an Incident Report has been added.
ESF Action Note 044/20 Self Declared Adjustment Applicant Guidance has been added.
ESF Action Note 043/20 Dual Forecast and Submission Form - Claims 2020 has been added.
Action Note 042/19 Eligibility and use of internal cost transfers for ESF Project Costs has been published.
Action Note 041/19 Simplified Cost Options has been added,
ESF Action Note 040/19 Pension Deficit has been added.
Published new Action Note 039-17.
Action note added: 038/19 SCO Staff Costs
Added Action Note 036/19 Clarification on attributing qualification/qualification credit results to ESF and match funded activity, and Action Note 037/19 New CFO online full application guidance.
Action Note 035/19 New ECLAIMS Online Digital Service for ESF has been published.
Added Action Note 034/19: Update: New ECLAIMS Online Digital Service for ESF Applications and Appraisals.
Action Note 033/19 New ECLAIMS Online Digital Service for ESF Applications and Appraisals has been added.
Action Note 032/19 ESF Scoring Framework has been added. The ESF Scoring Framework has been amend to explain how it applies to the Single-Stage Full Application process.
Action Note 031/19 ESF and the Apprenticeship Levy: Match Evidence Requirements has been added. This action note details the necessary evidence requirements when the Apprenticeship Levy is used as Match funding within the ESF 2014 to 2020 programme.
030/19 Action Note - ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Form 2019 has been added.
Added Action Note 029/18 New Single-Stage Application Process.
Added Action Note 028/18 launch of the revised ESF Operational Programme.
Added 'Action Note 027/18 Revised ESF Output and Result Indicator Definitions and ESF Data Evidence Requirements Guidance'.
Action Note 025-18 Clarification of Public and Private Match Funding and Action Note 026-18 Delegated Grant Schemes - Defrayal Clarification Note has been added.
ESF Action Note 024/18 HMG Guarantee extension has been added.
Action Note 023/18 - New and revised Claims Guidance for Grant Recipients and Co-financing Organisations has been added.
Action Note 022/18 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF – Additional guidance on collecting and processing participant data for monitoring and evaluation
Action Note 021/18 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) funding has been added.
Added Action Note 020/18 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF - additional advice.
Action Note 019-18 - New Assessment Scoring Procedures for Equality and Sustainable Development in ESF has been added.
Added information about how to receive ESF Action Notes. You can do this by emailing your details to - include ‘Action Notes’ in the email subject heading.
ESF Action Note 018/18 - The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ESF has been added.
Action Note 017-18 Dual Forecast and Submission Form - Claims 2018 has been added.
Added Action Note 016-18, E-claims process for Self-Declared Adjustment: applicant guidance.
Added Action Note 015/18 Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) update. This provides an update to the Action Note 014/18 (issued 21 March 2018) regarding scope to extend YEI in the 2014 to 2020 ESF Programme.
Added action note 014-18, Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) holding.
Action Note 013/18 has been published. This Action Note is about the scope to extend ESF Technical Assistance projects in the 2014-2020 ESF programme.
Action Note 012-18 added to clarify the ESF 2014-2020 Programme position on the funding of Stipends and Bursaries by ESF Projects.
Added action note 011/18 YEI Funding, this provides information for existing YEI projects about extending their current contract and new calls.
Added action note 010/18 Participant Data Schema (PDS), this provides an update on changes to the PDS and guidance.
Added action notes 008/17 ESF and YEI Funding and 009/17 ESF and Housing Costs.
Action Note 007/17 Working in ESF projects with participants who are offenders or ex-offenders has been added.
Added action note: 006/17 ESF and the Apprenticeship Levy.
Action Note added - 005/17 Participant contact details guidance has been updated.
Published action note 004/17 changes to the branding and publicity requirements
Added action note 003/17 - claims guidance for Grant Recipients and Co-Financing Organisations.
Added action note 002/17 (change to IP2.2 reporting process).
First published.