083/22 Revised Granular Budget sample template and Stand Alone Staff Cost Master List
Updated 5 December 2024
Date Issued | 14 June 2022 |
Review Date | 31 December 2023 |
1. Who should read
ESF Programme stakeholders including: Grant Recipients (GR), the ESF Managing Authority, Greater London Authority, Intermediate Bodies, Local Enterprise Partnership areas, Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) projects.
2. Purpose
This Action Note informs ESF programme stakeholders about the publication of a revised sample Granular Budget template on GOV.UK and a revised Stand Alone Staff Cost Master List available on request from your Contract Manager
3. Background
The products will provide:
quality assurance at the agreed annual review point
a method for tracking the changes in GR’s staff on a quarterly basis or with any PCR (Project Change Request)
a record of staff salaries information for audit purposes
4. What has changed
A new guide in the Granular Budget template has been created to better explain the completion process step-by-step.
A new guide in the Stand Alone Staff Cost Master List has been created to better explain the completion process step-by-step.
New columns to help:
Name – with guidance on providing ‘sufficient detail’
Payroll Reference – with guidance on providing ‘sufficient detail’
Cost centre number (if available)
Date individual was added to project
Date Role Ended
We will review the design of these documents with a view to continuous improvement and development as part of an iterative process.
5. Action
Please use the latest published version of the Granular Budget template from now on
6. Contact
For queries on this Action Note please email esf.2014-2020@dwp.gov.uk