072/21 Revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance
Updated 21 February 2025
Date Issued | 18/11/2021 |
Review Date | 18/11/2022 |
1. Who should read
Co-Financing Organisations (CFOs), Direct Bids, projects, Intermediate Bodies (IBs)
2. Purpose
To notify European Social Fund (ESF) stakeholders of a revision to the Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the ESF Eligibility Rules and programme Guidance
3. Background
The Expenditure (Project Costs) section relating to Direct Costs of the Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance has been updated to include the following eligible cost:
The Direct Costs section of the Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance has been updated to include the following eligible cost:
- costs to fund support for children of ESF participants, as part of a wider holistic package of support, to help tackle issues which are deemed as a barrier to work for the adult participant and forms part of their journey towards work
The additional bullet point has been added to clarify that the costs a project incurs delivering support activity in these circumstances can be treated as a direct cost to the project.
Examples of activity that may be eligible under this bullet could include:
- support activities such as confidence building courses for children of ESF participants
- activities to address mental health and wellbeing issues for children of ESF participants
- support which addresses impacts on children of ESF participants caused by domestic abuse or violence
It is for the ESF project to demonstrate that the support they deliver to children of ESF participants is integral to the support being provided to the adult participant, is deemed as a barrier to work for the adult participant and forms part of their journey towards work.
4. Action
Recipients are asked to note the contents of this Action Note.
Grant Recipients are able to claim these costs from the date the revised Eligibility Rules and Programme Guidance is published on the GOV.UK website.
5. Contact
For queries on the Action Note email ESF.2014-2020@dwp.gov.uk