
101/23 Action required: Annual Review of 1720 Staff Hourly Rates that affect costs in the Q4 2023 claim

Updated 21 February 2025

Date Issued 02 May 2023
Review Date 31 December 2023​

Who should read

All ESF Direct Bid Grant Recipients with an Annual Review of 1720 Staff Hourly Rates that affect costs in the Q4 2023 claim, the Greater London Authority and the ESF Managing Authority (MA).


GRs who have an Annual Review of 1720 Staff Hourly Rates that affect costs in the Q4 2023 claim are advised of action to be taken.

Please be advised that this is not an invitation to change the annual review date. If your project’s annual review date does not fall in Q4 2023, please do not respond.

Please note, CFOs are not impacted by this Action Note.


As we approach the final stages of the Programme, it is important that ESF claims are progressed and paid promptly to ensure that funding can be claimed from the European Commission by Programme end.


Projects that have an Annual Review of 1720 Staff Hourly Rates that affect costs in the Q4 2023 claim must notify their Contract Manager (CM) by 11/05/2023 if they wish to complete the review or not.

By 11/05/2023, GRs are required to either:

  • Confirm they do wish to proceed with the annual review or

  • Confirm that they do not wish to proceed with the annual review

Failure to respond will be deemed as decision to forgo the annual review.

If the GR wishes the review to go ahead, they must provide the correct, updated Staff Cost Master List (SCML) to their CM by 15/10/2023. This will enable the MA to review the changes and request appropriate evidence from the project to support the revised calculations. If the fully completed, correct SCML is not received by 15/10/2023, or the subsequent evidence not provided by the deadline given, the review will not take place.


If you have any queries about this Action Note please email: