
103/23 Action Required: ESF 2014 to 2020 Mandatory Programme Closure Document Retention and Contacts

Updated 21 February 2025

Date Issued 21 December 2023

Review Date 21 December 2024

Who Should Read

  • European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (MA)
  • ESF Co-financing Organisations (CFO)
  • ESF Direct Bid projects (non-CFO)
  • ESF Certifying Authority
  • Greater London Authority (GLA)
  • Audit Authority


This Action Note is to remind ESF CFO and ESF Direct Bid projects about the mandatory arrangements that must be in place beyond the point of closure, until the period specified within this guidance.

This Action Note is a reminder to all Grant Recipients, CFO organisations and Accountable Bodies about the mandatory requirements to comply with document retention guidance and providing up-to-date contacts to the ESF MA


For the 2014 to 2020 ESF Programme, the final year of expenditure is 2023.

This Action Note provides guidance to all ESF projects about the mandatory requirement to maintain the following:

  1. Retention of all ESF documentation and an adequate audit trail.
  2. Ensuring all ESF documentation is available upon request for audits.
  3. Ensuring ESF documentation is not destroyed until advised by the ESF MA.
  4. Providing Grant Recipient, CFO organisation and Accountable Body contacts to the ESF MA for the duration of the closure period.

  5. Updating the ESF MA of any changes to the Grant Recipient, CFO organisation and Accountable Body contacts.

Grant Recipients, CFO organisation and Accountable Bodies are reminded that compliance to the document retention requirements and providing up-to-date contacts were included in the fully executed Funding Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding.

At the date of the publication of this Action Note, the European Commission has not confirmed the closure of the ESF 2014 to 2020 Programme. All ESF projects should provide contact details and retain all documentation until advised by the ESF MA


Document Retention

It is essential that all project documentation and evidence is retained to support the audit trail. Guidance relating to the storage and retention of documents and evidence is contained in the European Social Fund Document Retention Guidance, European Social Fund: document retention. This is a reminder and does not supersede existing guidance.

Sections 10 and 11 of the guidance provides a detailed list of the documentation which must be retained. This includes all financial documents that support ESF Claims submitted to the MA.

Organisation Contact Details

All projects are reminded that they must immediately email ESF.2014-2020@DWP.GOV.UK about any changes to their contact details.

If you have any questions regarding this Action Note, please email ESF.2014-2020@DWP.GOV.UK.