
102/23 Action Required - Review of Procurements required by all Grant Recipients

Updated 21 February 2025

Date Issued 21 November 2023

Review Date 21 November 2024

Who Should Read

All European Social Fund (ESF) Grant Recipients, both Direct Bid and Co-Financing Organisation (CFO), the Greater London Authority and the ESF Managing Authority (MA).


Grant Recipients to ensure action is taken by 31/12/23, to update incomplete procurement records on ECLAIMS.  This includes procurements which are:

  • recorded as ‘Planned’

  • not yet recorded


As we approach the final stages of the Programme, it is important that ESF claims are progressed and paid promptly to ensure that funding can be claimed from the European Commission by Programme end. 

The MA is aware that there may be outstanding procurements which have not yet been declared by Grant Recipients and or checked by the MA.


The deadline for submission of procurements for MA checks is 31/12/2023.  Any undeclared procurements for which costs will be included in the Q4 23 claim, must be notified to your CM as soon as possible, then added to the Procurement Register on ECLAIMS by the above date.

The deadline also applies to existing Procurement Record IDs with a status of ‘Planned’ on the Procurement Register.  These must be updated to either ‘Completed’ (if costs are going to be claimed) or ‘Not Applicable to Project’ (if costs are not going to be claimed). 

For all ‘Completed’ procurements, full evidence must be uploaded to the Procurement Record ID on ECLAIMS as soon as possible, and no later than 31/12/23, to allow MA checks to be undertaken.

Grant Recipients are asked to review the impact of Annual Leave over the Christmas period and ensure that staff are available to upload any necessary evidence/information required by the CM in order to complete satisfactory checks.

Grant Recipients must await confirmation from their CM that procurement checks have been successfully undertaken before claiming costs relating to these procurements.

Please refer to Action Note 099/23 Clarification of Final Programme and Defrayed Costs up to and including 31/12/23.  Please also note that (unless already agreed with the CM) the MA does not anticipate that costs submitted in Q4 23 will include any historic expenditure.


If you have any queries about this Action Note, please email: