[Withdrawn] 071/21 Reversal of COVID-19 Easements: Recommencement of Visits to ESF projects
Updated 21 February 2025
The information in this Action Note is out of date and should not be used. This Action Note was withdrawn on 25 September 2023 and is published here for information only.
Date Issued | 31 August 2021 |
Review Date | 31 December 2023 |
1. Who should read
ESF Applicants, Grant Recipients, Co-Financing Organisations (CFOs), Greater London Authority (GLA), Intermediate Bodies, Government Internal Audit Agency.
2. Purpose
This Action Note sets out how from October 2021 the ESF Managing Authority and GLA Intermediate Body will recommence visits to ESF project premises, which since Spring 2020 have been paused as an easement response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These visits will comprise: Project Inception Visits (PIVs) to check the systems and processes in place before projects can submit their first financial claim; On-The-Spot Visits (OTSVs) to verify expenditure in claims; and Contract Management Review Visits.
3. Background
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, from March 2020 the ESF Managing Authority introduced a number of easements to support Grant Recipients, CFOs and other ESF Partners. These easements are set out in the European Social Fund 2014 to 2020 Programme: Questions and Answers on COVID-19 Response’ and in ESF Action Notes.
Easements to normal (pre-COVID-19) ESF business processes include:
adapting our PIV and Article 125 OTSV activities to make greater use of electronic and desk-based methods whilst travel restrictions and social-distancing measures are in place
supporting projects in delivering their activities to participants and businesses via remote and other innovative means, whilst ensuring regulatory requirements continue to be met and whilst adapting our evidence capturing requirements
These and related measures enabled the Managing Authority to temporarily pause visits to projects from March 2020. Collectively the easements have helped ensure continuity of project activity, including PIVs and Article 125 OTSV activity, and also payments to projects experiencing delivery difficulties.
ESF Action Note ‘068/21 ‘Future ESF Programme Delivery arrangements, including the Direct Bid claims process which apply from Quarter 3 2021 published on 29 July 2021, sets out how the Managing Authority is taking forward ongoing delivery of the programme, in the context of the Government having moved to step 4 of its roadmap to ease restrictions in England. It makes clear that:
step 4 enables a return to a business as usual approach undertaking face to face visits as appropriate, which are necessary as part of the effective management of the Programme
we recognise ESF beneficiaries will be taking the opportunity to review project delivery arrangements and the working arrangements of their people; and need advance notice of changes to ESF business processes. We will use ESF Action Notes as the primary communication channel for notifying you of changes, including the withdrawal of easements
4. Action
ESF Beneficiaries are asked to note:
the arrangements set out below for the recommencement of visits by the Managing Authority and GLA to ESF projects from October 2021
that other Bodies, such as the Government Internal Audit Authority and CFOs will also be considering a return to project visits and will be in contact separately
4.1 Project Initiation Visits (PIVs)
From October 2021 PIVs may be undertaken at project premises or virtually. The way each PIV is conducted will depend upon the circumstances of the individual project and what is practical. Our procedure for carrying out a premises-based PIV visit has not changed, so ESF Contract Managers will still make initial contact with Grant Recipients to discuss arrangements for the visit. This will include confirming that relevant staff will be available on site to enable the PIV to take place and their visitor protocols.
4.2 On The Spot Visits (OTSVs)
From October 2021, where a claim (for whatever specified period) is due for an OTSV this will take place in person. Our procedure for carrying out an OTSV visit has not changed, so ESF Verification Managers will still make initial contact with Grant Recipients / providers to discuss arrangements for the visit. This will include determining whether relevant staff will be available on site to enable the OTSV to take place and their visitor protocols.
4.3 Contract Management Reviews
From October 2021 Contract Management Reviews may be undertaken at project premises or virtually. The way each Contract Management Review is conducted will depend upon the circumstances of the individual project and what is practical.
Our procedure for carrying out a premises-based Contract Management Review visit has not changed, so ESF Contract Managers will still make initial contact with Grant Recipients to discuss arrangements for the visit. This will include confirming that relevant staff will be available on site to enable the Contract Management Review meeting to take place and their visitor protocols.
4.4 Health and Safety /Risk related Actions
From October 2021, where the Managing Authority is undertaking a visit to the premises of a project, there is a requirement for the project to complete and return a (DWP) ESF Managing Authority Visit - Host Organisation Health & Safety Assurance Questionnaire to the Managing Authority in advance of the visit. When arranging a visit, the ESF Managing Authority Contract / Verification Manager will send out the Questionnaire for completion and confirm the details required.
5. Contact
If you have any questions about this Action Note please contact esf.2014-2020@dwp.gov.uk