[Withdrawn] 067/21 A Change to the Requirement to Supply ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Forms
Updated 21 February 2025
The information in this Action Note is out of date and should not be used. This Action Note was withdrawn on 29 June 2023 and is published here for information only.
Date Issued | 21/07/2021 |
Review Date | 21/07/2022 |
1. Who should read
All ESF beneficiary organisations, European Social Fund Division and Greater London Authority.
2. Purpose
This Action Note is to confirm that the process around the submission of the ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Form has now changed. Grant Recipients and Applicants are required to note and understand the changes and take the required actions detailed within this document when submitting their claims.
3. Background
The ESF Dual Forecast and Submission form was originally introduced as an interim measure to allow the Managing Authority (MA) to assess project performance in the absence of a central management information system.
The MA has now developed a suite of performance tools that allows them to obtain accurate information on the Grant Recipient’s performance.
This guidance applies to all claims submitted from Quarter 2 2021 onwards
For all projects delivering against Investment Priority 2.2
As IP 2.2 Projects do not submit a Participant Data Schema, project performance cannot be captured by the MA’s management information system.
All IP 2.2 Projects will be required to complete a new IP 2.2 Claim Form. This can be found on the ESF claim applications and Self-Declared Adjustments page on GOV.UK.
IP 2.2 Projects must continue to report their specific Outputs and Results in their quarterly Progress Reports.
For all projects delivering against Investment Priority 3.1
ESF Technical Assistance projects should also report progress against their specific ESF output and result indicators in each of their quarterly Progress Reports.
For all other projects The MA will no longer require the submission of an ESF Dual Forecast and Submission Form with quarterly claims.
Grant Recipients should continue to report on their performance, and any measures they are taking to recover underperformance, in their quarterly Progress Reports.
4. Contact
If you have any questions about this Action Note please contact ESF.2014-2020@DWP.GOV.UK