
ESFA Update: 5 September 2018

Latest information and actions from the Education and Skills Funding Agency for academies, schools, colleges, local authorities and further education providers.

This publication was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Find the latest information from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in the latest ESFA Update.

Applies to England



Items for further education

Action submission of external assurance on subcontracting controls certificates by providers and employer-providers who deliver adult provision, including apprenticeships and traineeships
Action funding claims 2017 to 2018 – year-end claim
Information sharing of pupil premium eligibility and SEN pupil data with schools and academies with post-16 students and specialist post-16 institutions

Items for academies

Information academy funding allocation payment schedules are now available
Information schools funding 2019 to 2020
Information academies accounts return 2017 to 2018 guidance
Action autumn school census 2018
Information risk protection arrangement (RPA)
Information sharing of pupil premium eligibility and SEN pupil data with schools and academies with post-16 students and specialist post-16 institutions
Action motor insurance for academy schools survey

Items for local authorities

Action dedicated schools grant (DSG) chief finance officer (CFO) statement of assurance and notes to the accounts 2017 to 2018
Information schools funding 2019 to 2020
Action autumn school census 2018
Information sharing of pupil premium eligibility and SEN pupil data with schools and academies with post-16 students and specialist post-16 institutions

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Published 5 September 2018

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