WAAW and EAAD: letters to NHS, universities and professional organisations
Letters to sign up for World Antibiotics Awareness Week (WAAW), European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) activities and Antibiotic Guardians.
World Antibiotic Awareness Week and European Antibiotic Awareness Day provide an excellent opportunity to engage with healthcare workers and the public on tackling antimicrobial resistance. The letter to the NHS and professional organisations was published by NHS England and Improvement on 21 October 2019. It is available at NHS England.
The letter includes invitations for colleagues and organisations to:
- register AMR awareness activities using the online registration form
- use the ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign materials in activities to raise awareness amongst the public
- use professional or organisation’s social media channels to promote important messages on AMR throughout the winter season
The objective for the 2018 awareness events and campaigns was to promote the prudent use of antibiotics.
These letters are for Directors of Public Health and the Chairs of Health and Wellbeing Boards to:
- inform them about Antibiotic Guardian
- request the registration of planned activities for WAAW and EAAD
Updates to this page
Added 'Letter to Directors of Public Health and local authorities (2019)'.
Updated with 2018 letters.
Updated with 2017 letters.
Added new letters for 2016.
Updated with 2106 letter.
Added letter for universities.
Updated with 2015 letters.
First published.