
Antibiotic awareness resources

Resources to support Antibiotic Guardian, the UK-wide campaign to improve and reduce antibiotic prescribing and use.

‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign supports the government’s continued efforts to reduce inappropriate prescriptions for antibiotics.

The campaign warns people that taking antibiotics when they are not needed puts them at risk of a more severe or longer infection, and urges people to take their doctor’s advice on antibiotics.

To help Antibiotic Guardian make a big impact:

  • share planned activities, outcomes, pictures, and campaign case studies with the Antibiotic Guardian Chair, Dr Diane Ashiru-Oredope by email:
  • use the #AntibioticGuardian hashtag on social media to promote your antibiotic awareness activities
  • copies of Tweetable graphics or messages are available

Campaign evaluation

Continuing professional development

Policy papers


Healthcare professionals can use these documents to support the campaign and increase public awareness. Download additional resources to Keep Antibiotics Working.

Updates to this page

Published 4 October 2013
Last updated 19 November 2019 show all updates
  1. Added Antibiotic Guardian campaign details and link to Keep Antibiotic Working resources.

  2. Updated with resources for 2018 campaign.

  3. Updated with details of 2017 campaign.

  4. Added Dental antimicrobial stewardship: toolkit.

  5. Updated resources for 2016 campaign.

  6. Added treating your own infection leaflets.

  7. Updated with 2015 resources.

  8. Updated with 2014 resources.

  9. First published.