European Antibiotic Awareness Day: evaluations
The European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) evaluation reports show the success of activities from 2013 onwards and make recommendations for the future.
The main aim of the 2013 campaign was to:
- educate and inform patients, healthcare professionals and the general public about the use of antibiotics
- raise awareness of the importance of stopping bacterial infections becoming resistant to antibiotics
- reduce the expectation of antibiotics for colds, coughs and sore throats.
EAAD 2013 matched its main messages and activities with the objectives of the UK 5 Year Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2013 to 2018.
Antibiotic Guardian (AG) was launched as part of the UK’s activities for EAAD 2014. This online pledge-based intervention, aimed to improve knowledge and behaviours regarding antibiotic prescribing and use among healthcare professionals and the public.
All demographic and spatial AG pledge data was analysed. In addition 2 online surveys were conducted to evaluate the campaign:
- Antibiotic Guardians (AGs) to assess changes in knowledge and behaviour (outcomes) before and after the AG campaign.
- Professional organisations that registered participation for EAAD to investigate organisational behaviour change and feedback on the campaign.
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