Evaluation of Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities within the European Social Fund (RR667)
The study aims to examine the effectiveness of equal opportunities policy and practice within ESF.
By Carol McNaughton Nicholls, Martin Mitchell, Ashley Brown, Nilufer Rahim, Emma Drever and Cheryl Lloyd
The focus of the Gender and Equal Opportunities within the European Social Fund (ESF) research is on equal opportunities as a cross-cutting theme, looking at how equal opportunities are integrated into all aspects of the programme. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of equal opportunities policy and practice within ESF, in the context of helping to tackle the barriers experienced by each of the equality groups including examining organisational policies within projects as they relate to equal opportunities and the mainstreaming of equal opportunities, drawing upon research on participation and outcomes of different equality groups and examining the factors affecting participation, including discrimination and making recommendations for good practice to encourage equal opportunities on ESF projects.
This report is part-funded by ESF technical assistance.