Experiences of PIP applicants who received zero points at assessment
This report details the findings of research into the experiences of Personal Independence Payment applicants who received zero points at health assessment.
Research background
This report was commissioned as part of research and evaluation activities to develop a robust evidence base to inform the development and delivery of the Department’s policy initiatives, the Health Transformation Programme, and The Health and Disability White Paper proposals.
Contribution to the evidence base
This research provides an in-depth description of the context and experiences of claimants who had received zero points at assessment. It details perceived issues with the application process and reflects on things that participants wished they had done differently and that they wish was different about the application process.
Research value
The Department will use these findings, alongside insights from the wider research strategy to develop, test, and deliver on the aims of the Departments policy initiatives, the Health Transformation Programme, and The Health and Disability White Paper proposals.