
DWP research reports

This page brings together Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) research reports.

Read more about research at DWP.

Research reports published before 2016 are available on The National Archives website:

2025 research reports

2024 research reports

2023 research reports

2022 research reports

2021 research reports

2020 research reports

2019 research reports

2018 research reports

2017 research reports

2016 research reports

Updates to this page

Published 10 October 2013
Last updated 26 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added a link to a report: 'Sector-based Work Academy Programme: A Quantitative Impact Assessment'.

  2. Added a link to a report: 'What makes work search reviews effective?'

  3. Added 2 recently released reports to this collection of reports: "European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative 2021 to 2023 Leavers Survey Report" and "Impact evaluation of the European Social Fund 2014 to 2020 programme in England".

  4. Cost of Living Payments Evaluation and Evaluation of the Household Support Fund 4 have been added to the list of 2025 research reports.

  5. Added a link to a report: 'Move to Universal Credit non-claimants (formerly tax credits customers) Research'

  6. Added a links to a report: 'Move to Universal Credit non-claimants (formerly tax credits customers) Research'

  7. Added links to 16 recently published DWP research reports.

  8. Added DWP Customer Experience Surveys: Child Maintenance Service 2023 to 2024, 2022 to 2023 and 2021 to 2022. And DWP Customer Experience Surveys: Benefit Customers 2023 to 2024, 2022 to 2023 and 2021 to 2022.

  9. Added link to: Plan for Jobs Cross-cutting Evaluation Wave 1 and 2 synthesis report.

  10. 'Experience of claiming and receiving Carer’s Allowance' added to 2024 research reports collection.

  11. Added a report called 'The Evaluation of the Restart Scheme'.

  12. Added links to Digital skills, channel preference, and access needs: Personal Independence Payment customers and Digital skills, channel preference, and access needs: DWP customers.

  13. Added 'Estimating the employment impact of Universal Credit among single parents'.

  14. Added links to 2 reports: 'Engaging with Pensions at timely moments' and 'Low earners and workplace pension saving – a qualitative study'.

  15. Added 'Survey of public perceptions of fraud, error and debt'.

  16. Added 'Work and Health Programme evaluation: synthesis report'.

  17. Added a recently published report called 'Qualitative research with Universal Credit telephone claimants' to this collection of DWP research.

  18. Department for Work and Pensions Employer Survey 2022 added to the 2023 research documents.

  19. Added 3 recently published reports about the Reducing Parental Conflict programme 2018 to 2022.

  20. Added a recently published report called 'Completing the Move to Universal Credit: learning from initial Tax Credit migrations' to this collection of DWP research.

  21. Added a recently published report 'Kickstart Scheme: process evaluation'.

  22. Added 'Health-led Trials impact evaluation reports'.

  23. Added 'DWP Customer Experience Survey: benefit customers 2020 to 2021' and 'DWP Customer Experience Survey: Child Maintenance Service 2020 to 2021'.

  24. Added recently published reports: Lower benefit cap: quantitative analysis of outcomes of capped households, Health-led Employment Trials Evaluation and Understanding decision making around changing the State Pension age: A review of international evidence.

  25. Added new research reports to the list: Incentivising SME uptake of health and wellbeing support schemes, Uses of Health and Disability Benefits, Employee research Phase 1 and 2, DWP COVID-19 Employer Pulse Survey: Final report.

  26. Added 'Understanding member engagement with workplace pensions' to the list of DWP research reports.

  27. Added 'Workplace Pensions and Automatic Enrolment: employers’ perspectives 2022' to the list of DWP research reports.

  28. Added 3 reports to the list of DWP research reports released in 2022: Survey of Separated Parents, Survey of Child Support Agency Case Closure Outcomes and Direct Pay research 2017 to 2019.

  29. Added research reports to the list which were published in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

  30. Added 'Employment advisers in improving access to psychological therapies' to the 2022 list of DWP research reports.

  31. Added 'Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) loans: take-up' to the 2022 list of DWP research reports.

  32. Added 'European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative Leavers Survey Report 2016-2019', 'Youth Employment Initiative – Impact Evaluation' and 'Evaluation of the European Social Fund 2014-2020 Programme in England: qualitative case study research' to 2022 research reports.

  33. Added 'Bereavement Support Payment evaluation' to the 2021 list of DWP research reports.

  34. Added Reducing Parental Conflict Programme evaluation: second report on implementation to 2021 research reports.

  35. Added various research reports to the collection page. They are linked to the 'Shaping future support: the health and disability green paper' and 'Health is everyone’s business: proposals to reduce ill health-related job loss' consultation response.

  36. Added 'Pension charges survey 2020: charges in defined contribution pension schemes'.

  37. Added 'Pension Freedoms: a qualitative research study of individuals’ decumulation journeys' report.

  38. Added 'Exploring perceptions and attitudes towards the extension of fit note certification' to the 2020 research reports.

  39. Added 'DWP claimant service and experience survey 2018 to 2019'.

  40. Added 'Automatic enrolment: qualitative research with new employers' to the 2020 research reports.

  41. Added 'Understanding the provision of occupational health and work-related musculoskeletal services' to the research reports published in 2020.

  42. Added 'Work aspirations and support needs of claimants in the ESA support group and Universal Credit equivalent'.

  43. Added 'Employment Advisers in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies: process evaluation report'.

  44. Added 'Self-employment for people with disabilities and health conditions'.

  45. Added 'Transition from tax credits to Universal Credit: qualitative and quantitative research with claimants'.

  46. Added 'Occupational health services and employers'.

  47. Added 'Fraud and error deterrence and prevention message testing'.

  48. Added 'DWP employer engagement survey 2018'.

  49. Added 'Universal Credit full service omnibus survey'.

  50. Added 'Automatic enrolment: qualitative research with new employers'.

  51. Added 'DWP claimant service and experience survey 2017 to 2018'.

  52. Added 'Employment and Support Allowance work-related activity group pilots'.

  53. Added 'Housing Benefit and structures and services: Local Authority Insight Survey Wave 34' and 'Supported accommodation: Local Authority Insight Survey Wave 35'.

  54. Added 'Access to Work research review'.

  55. Added 'Universal Credit: in-work progression randomised controlled trial'.

  56. Added 'Innovation Fund pilot: assessment of return on investment' and 'Personal Independence Payment: claimant experiences of the claim process'.

  57. Added 'European Social Fund impact evaluation: research design and scoping study'.

  58. Added 'Fit for Work: process evaluation and feasibility of an impact evaluation' report.

  59. Added 'Employers' pension provision survey 2017' and 'Automatic enrolment: quantitative research with small and micro employers'.

  60. Added 'Universal Credit full service claimant survey'.

  61. Added 'Personalisation Pathfinder: evaluation'.

  62. Added 'Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions early warning trial evaluation: qualitative report'.

  63. Added 'Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus Support for Schools programme: National roll-out evaluation'.

  64. Added 'Universal Credit managed migration and reduced Housing Benefit backdating period: Local Authority Insight Survey Wave 33'.

  65. Added 'DWP claimant service and experience survey 2016 to 2017'.

  66. Added 'Greater Manchester Working Well: early impact assessment'.

  67. Added 'Perinatal pilots for delivery of relationship advice: an evaluation'.

  68. Added 'Pension charges survey 2016: charges in defined contribution pension schemes'.

  69. Added 'Automatic enrolment: qualitative research with small and micro employers'.

  70. Added 'Youth Employment Initiative: process evaluation'.

  71. Added 'Fraud and Error Reduction Incentive Scheme: first phase (FERIS1)'.

  72. Added: 'Universal Credit: understanding how it influences employment behaviour', 'DWP employer experience survey 2015 to 2016' and 'Universal Credit test and learn evaluation: families'.

  73. Added 'Employment and Support Allowance trials 2015'.

  74. Added 'Support for Mortgage Interest: attitudes towards taking the support as a loan' and 'Support for Mortgage Interest: mortgage borrowing and claiming in retirement'.

  75. Added 'Drug and alcohol dependency: employment support' and 'Drug and alcohol addiction, and obesity: effects on employment outcomes: claimants' views'.

  76. Added the following research reports to 2017: Sector-based work academies and work experience trials for older claimants: combined quantitative and qualitative findings (RR938), Older workers and the workplace: evidence from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey (RR939) and Employer experiences of recruiting, retaining and retraining older workers: qualitative research (RR940).

  77. Added 'Independent Living Fund: post-closure review' (RR934).

  78. Added 'Local authority insight research: wave 32' (RR936).

  79. Added 'DWP claimant service and experience survey 2015 to 2016' (RR943).

  80. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure outcomes survey' and 'Child Maintenance Service Direct Pay clients survey' to the collection.

  81. Added 'Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus Support for Schools programme: Pathfinder evaluation' (RR932).

  82. Added 'The banking needs of Universal Credit claimants: the potential role of budgeting accounts'.

  83. Added 'Help and support for separated families innovation fund evaluation'.

  84. Added two new reports: 'Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation' (RR925) and 'Supervised Jobsearch Pilots trial evaluation' (RR928).

  85. Added the following reports: 'Qualitative evaluation of the DWP Innovation Fund: final report (RR922)', 'Growing the social investment market: update on SIFI social investment (RR923)' and 'Evaluation of the prepaid card live test report' (RR926).

  86. Added 'Discretionary Housing Payments, temporary accommodation and Universal Support delivered locally: local authority insight survey wave 31'.

  87. Added 'ESF 2007 to 2013: evaluation of the second half of the programme'.

  88. Added 'Sector-based work academies: a quantitative impact assessment' and 'Work experience: a quantitative impact assessment'.

  89. Added 'Employers' pension provision survey 2015'.

  90. Added 'DWP claimant service and experience survey'.

  91. Added 'European Social Fund (ESF) support for families with multiple problems evaluation' and 'New Enterprise Allowance survey' to the collection.

  92. Added report about the in-work progression advice trial evaluation.

  93. Added 'Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy evaluation: final report' and 'Pension charges survey 2015: charges in defined contribution pension schemes'.

  94. Added evaluation of the plans for the 2014 to 2020 European Social Fund (ESF) Programme in England (RR910).

  95. Added research report RR908 'Attitudes and behaviours of self-employed child maintenance clients and barriers to paying child maintenance'.

  96. Published research report 'Review of the Merlin Standard'.

  97. Added 2 new reports: 'Group Work’ psychological wellbeing and work feasibility pilot evaluation and 'Telephone Support’ psychological wellbeing and work feasibility pilot evaluation.

  98. Published research reports on: 'Fit for Work: evaluation of the 2010 to 2013 pilots final report', 'Child poverty: exploring the routes into and out of poverty', 'Health and wellbeing at work: survey of employees' and 'Understanding the journeys from work to Employment and Support Allowance'.

  99. Published 'Automatic enrolment: qualitative research with employers staging in 2014' report.

  100. Published evaluation reports about the Direct Payment Demonstration Projects and the Work Programme.

  101. Published benefit cap evaluation reports.

  102. Published evaluation of the Day One Support for Young People trailblazer.

  103. Published automatic enrolment evaluation report 2014.

  104. Published qualitative research about the development of the new State Pension.

  105. Published Universal Credit Pathfinder Evaluation

  106. Added DWP claimant service and experience survey 2013 (RR884)

  107. Published new research report about exploring future GP referrals to Fit for Work (RR883).

  108. Published research about the early evaluation of the Personal Independence Payment new claims process, household finances of Carers Allowance recipients and Direct Payment Demonstration Projects.

  109. Published research reports: 'Small employer recruitment practices' and 'DWP employer engagement and experience survey 2013'.

  110. Published employers' pension provision survey 2013.

  111. Published research reports: "Local authority insight survey: wave 25", "Local Housing Allowance: monitoring the impact of changes" and "Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: interim report".

  112. Added 2 research repoprts to the collection: 'Making decisions about work in low-income couple households' and 'Provision of survivors’ benefits in occupational pension schemes'.

  113. Added new research report: "Defined Ambition pensions: consumer perspectives".

  114. New research report added: Additional Voluntary National Insurance Contributions at State Pension age: results from an online survey

  115. Added new research report: Sorting out separation web app – evaluation of effectiveness.

  116. New report: Automatic enrolment: experiences of workers who have opted out - a qualitative research study added

  117. Published reports: 'Youth Contract: customers' experiences' and 'Youth Contract wage incentive: wave 2 research'.

  118. Published new research report about defined contribution pension schemes: landscape and charges survey 2013.

  119. New Research Report 'Study into average civil compensation in mesothelioma cases' added

  120. New report added: Additional voluntary National Insurance contributions at State Pension age

  121. Research report 726 March 2011 added to list of publications

  122. Added the DWP report: Telephonic support to facilitate return to work: what works, how and when? (RR853)

  123. Added research report 'Universal Credit pathfinder evaluation: interim results from the Universal Credit claimant survey, wave 1'.

  124. Added research reports - 852 - The Jobcentre Plus Offer: final evaluation report and 854 - Automatic Enrolment evaluation report 2013.

  125. New research, Public perceptions of the removal of the spare room subsidy, added

  126. New reseach document, Automatic enrolment: Qualitative research with large employers, added to page.

  127. First published.