Research and analysis
Take up and use of the Universal Credit Advance Payment
Qualitative research to understand how claimants make decisions about taking the Universal Credit Advance Payment and how they use it.
This research looks at:
- the formal and informal forms of financial support claimants have access to and receive during their first assessment period
- how claimants decide whether or not to take an advance payment and how much to receive
- what understanding claimants have of the advance payment when deciding whether or not to take it
- what information claimants receive about advance payments and their future Universal Credit (UC) award; the impact this has on decision making and any additional information claimants would benefit from
- where claimants go for information and support about the advance payment
- what claimants use advance payments for and what their financial priorities are during the assessment period
- what impact taking the advance payment has on claimants’ finances in the long term