
Farming inspections

Information about who will inspect your farm or land, what they’re looking for and any penalties you may get.

Defra’s agencies and local authorities inspect farms and land to:

  • prevent outbreaks of animal disease
  • prevent environmental pollution
  • check farmers comply with regulations
  • provide advice at the request of farmers
  • investigate complaints

This guidance explains how farms are selected for inspection, what inspectors look for and what happens if they find problems.

Animal inspections

Find out who inspects animals on your farm, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply.

Disease inspections

Find out about who inspects your farm or site for animal or plant diseases, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply

Environmental inspections

Find out who inspects environmental issues on your farm or land, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply.

Facility inspections

Find out who inspects your farm’s or site’s facilities, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply.

Funding scheme inspections

Find out who inspects funding schemes on your farm, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply.

Veterinary medicine inspections

Find out who inspects veterinary medicines on your farm, what they’re looking for and any penalties that may apply.

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Published 12 January 2016