[Withdrawn] Financial sanctions, Iran (human rights)
From 14 December 2023, this regime is no longer in force.
This sanctions regime has been replaced by the Iran regime and is no longer in force. Persons previously designated under the Iran (Human Rights) regime are now designated under the Iran regime. For a complete list of regimes operating under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act (2018), please see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office website
Updates to this page
Amended wording of the 'summary' section
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 08/12/2023 added.
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 15/09/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 07/07/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 06/07/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 24/04/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 27/03/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 20/03/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 08/03/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 20/02/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, 23/01/2023 Iran (Human Rights) added
HM Treasury Notice, 17/01/2023 Iran (Human Rights) added
New designations made under Iran (human rights)
Link updated
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, 09/12/2022, Iran (Human rights)
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 14/11/2022
HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 10/10/2022 added
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Iran (Human Rights), 16/06/2022
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 16/02/2022, Iran (Human Rights)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 02/02/2022, Iran (Human Rights)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 28/01/2022, Iran (Human Rights)'
Updated to reflect regime coming into force under the Sanctions Act
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury, 17/04/2020, Iran (human rights) (correction)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 09/04/2020, Iran (Human Rights) (Reg 2020/510)'
'Latest HM Treasury notice, 09/04/2019, Iran (Human Rights)' added.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 13/04/2018, Iran (Human Rights) (Reg 2018/565)
Updated EU regulation links as part of routine site maintenance
Updated with Latest HM Treasury notice, 13/04/2017, Iran (Human Rights) (Reg 2017/685)
Updated due to new notice - Reg 2016/556
new notice
Added notice Iran (Human Rights) (Reg 371/2014) and updated consolidated list
First published.