
Financial sanctions targets by regime

This page lists all financial sanctions imposed in the UK by country, administration or terrorist group.

Financial sanctions which relate to a specific country or terrorist group are known as ‘regimes’. You can find the specific regulations and designated persons for each regime imposed in the UK on the pages below.

The prohibitions under each financial sanction are detailed in the relevant financial sanctions regulations. Regulations are imposed by:

  • United Nation’s Security Council – the UK is a member so automatically imposes all financial sanctions created by the UN
  • UK Government – a number of financial sanctions are created by the UK Government

For timely updates on financial sanctions and all additions and changes to the sanctions lists, sign up to get UK sanctions email alerts.


Updates to this page

Published 11 October 2013
Last updated 24 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Link added for signing up to the new joint UK sanctions email alert service, provided by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) and the Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI).

  2. New Financial Sanctions Iran regime added.

  3. updated with Haiti regime page

  4. Updated with Global Anti-Corruption page

  5. Updated to reflect regimes coming into force under the Sanctions Act

  6. Updated with Global Human Rights sanctions regime.

  7. Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 26/11/2019, ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Organisations (Reg 2019/1943)

  8. Updated with 'Financial sanctions, Nicaragua'.

  9. Updated with 'Financial sanctions, Chemical Weapons'.

  10. Updated with 'Financial sanctions, The Republic of Maldives'.

  11. Updated with Burma regime page.

  12. Updated to include link to 'Financial sanctions, Venezuela'

  13. Added 'Financial Sanctions, Mali' to collection

  14. Updated to improve clarity of information displayed

  15. Liberia removed - Council Regulation (EC) No 872/2004 imposing financial sanctions against Liberia has been repealed with effect from 6 October 2015.

  16. Updated to add - Financial Sanctions, UK freezing orders

  17. Updated to include Yemen in collection

  18. Updated to reflect latest HM Treasury notices, 15/07/14 Sudan (Reg 747/2014) and 15/07/14 South Sudan (Reg 748/2014)

  19. added 'Financial sanctions, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity)' to collection

  20. added Central African Republic

  21. added publication 'Financial sanctions, Ukraine'

  22. First published.