
Financial sanctions, International counter-terrorism

This page contains a list of persons and entities to whom financial sanctions have been applied due to their assessed involvement in terrorist activity, with particular focus on persons who operate internationally. It also contains information on regulations.


Current list of designated persons: counter-terrorism (international)

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 25/01/2024

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 22/01/2024

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 13/12/2023

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 11/12/2023

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 14/11/2023

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 16/06/2022

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 15/03/2022

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-terrorism (international), 11/03/2022

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 16/02/2022

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HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 08/02/2022

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HM Treasury Notice, 18/02/2021, Counter Terrorism (International)

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The Counter-Terrorism (International Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 came into force on 31 December 2020. These regulations are one of three of the UK’s counter-terrorism sanctions regimes which will be in place after the end of the transition period to ensure sanctions are implemented effectively after the UK leaves the EU.


This sanctions regime aims to further the prevention of terrorism in the UK and elsewhere by bringing together elements of several existing sanctions regimes. Specifically, it replaces the implementation of the EU’s CP931 counter-terrorism sanctions regime and the EU autonomous ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida regime, which prior to 11pm on 31 December 2020 had effect in the UK through both EU instruments and related UK legislation.

The Counter-Terrorism (International Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 also partially gives effect to the UK’s obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001). The Regulations enable the UK to apply counter-terrorism sanctions in respect of persons for whom there are reasonable grounds to suspect are or have been involved in terrorist activity, with a particular focus on persons who operate internationally.

There are other sanctions regimes relating to countering terrorism: the ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida (United Nations Sanctions) (EU Exit) regime and the Counter-Terrorism (Sanctions) (EU Exit) regime.

Counter-Terrorism Licensing Policy

Licences authorise certain activities or types of transaction that would otherwise be prohibited by asset freezing legislation.  In addition to issuing licences relating to a specific person, the Treasury may also issue general licences, which authorise otherwise prohibited activity by a particular category of persons (who fall within the licence criteria).For further details on the Treasury’s approach to licensing, see our page on counter-terrorism licencing policy.

UN resolutions

UN Resolution 1373 (2001) is available online along with other relevant UN Resolutions. UNSCR 1373(2001) includes, amongst others, a requirement that UN member states shall (a) prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts, (b) freeze the funds and economic resources of persons who commit or attempt to commit terrorist acts or participate in or facilitate the commission of such acts, and (c) prohibit their nationals and those within their territories from making funds, financial services or economic resources available to or for the benefit of such persons.

UK Regulations

The ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida (Asset-Freezing) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 2011/2742. Prior to 11pm on 31 December 2020, this was the UK instrument that enforced the EU’s autonomous ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida autonomous listings under EU Regulation 2016/1686.

The Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc Act 2010. Prior to 11pm on 31 December 2020, this was the UK legislation that enforced the EU’s CP931 regime.

EU regulations (applicable before 11pm on 31 December 2020)

  • EU Regulation 2016/1686 this permits the EU to make autonomous Al-Qaida and ISIL (Da’esh) listings
  • EU Regulation 2580/2001 the EU’s vehicle for implementing its CP931 counter-terror sanctions regime, which in turn implements obligations under UNSCR 1373 (2001).

Find out more about UK international counter-terrorism sanctions

Updates to this page

Published 31 December 2020
Last updated 25 January 2024 show all updates
  1. HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 25/01/2024 added.

  2. HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 22/01/2024 added

  3. HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 13/12/2023 added

  4. HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 11/12/2023 added.

  5. HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 14/11/2023 added.

  6. Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 16/06/2022

  7. Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 15/03/2022'.

  8. Updated with Latest HM Treasury Notice, Counter-terrorism (international), 11/03/2022

  9. Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, Counter-Terrorism (International), 16/02/2022'.

  10. Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 18/02/2021, Counter Terrorism (International)'

  11. Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Counter Terrorism (International), 21/01/2021'

  12. Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Counter Terrorism (International), 20/01/2021'

  13. First published.

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