Financial sanctions, Iraq
Iraq is currently subject to UK financial sanctions. This document contains the current list of designated persons.
The Iraq (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ensure sanctions for Iraq are implemented effectively after the UK leaves the EU.
The Iraq (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 put in place sanctions measures to ensure the UK continues to meet its obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 661 (1990) and 1483 (2003).
Resolutions 661 and 1483 established a sanctions regime relating to Iraq, under which certain measures are imposed upon those named on the UN’s Iraq Sanctions List.
UK Regulations
- The Iraq (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
- 02.07.2012 The Iraq (Asset Freezing) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1489) (applicable prior to 11pm, 31 December 2020)
EU regulations (applicable prior to 11pm, 31 December 2020)
Updates to this page
HM Treasury Notice, Iraq 06/10/2023 added.
HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 28/03/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 10/03/2023 added
Added HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 02/09/2022
Updated with 'HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 20/05/2022'
Updated: Latest HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 19/04/2022
Latest HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 04/03/2022
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 16/02/2022'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 09/12/2021'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, Iraq, 22/09/2021'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Iraq, 09/09/2021'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Iraq, 01/07/2021'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Iraq, 16/04/2021'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Iraq, 21/01/2021'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 18/02/2021, Iraq'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Iraq, 19/01/2021’
Updated to reflect regime coming into force under the Sanctions Act
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 24/12/2020, Iraq (Reg 2020/2197)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/12/2020, Iraq'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 09/12/2020, Iraq (Reg 2020/2003)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 20/01/2020, Iraq (Reg 2020/37)'
Updated with ‘Latest HM Treasury Notice, 07/11/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/1853)
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 05/07/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/1141)'.
Updated with ''Latest HM Treasury Notice, 01/07/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/1103).
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 22/05/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/808)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 15/04/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/596)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 11/04/2019, Iraq'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 20/03/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/432)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice 05/02/2019 Iraq (Reg 2019/162)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 15/01/2019, Iraq, (Reg. 2019/51)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 09/01/2019, Iraq (Reg 2019/23)'.
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury notice, 20/11/2018, Iraq (2018/1781)'.
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury notice, 09/11/2018, Iraq (Reg 2018/1661)'.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 08/10/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1483)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 05/10/2018 Iraq (Reg 2018/1476).
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 01/10/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1302)
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury notice, 26/09/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1286)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 10/09/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1218)'.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 14/08/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1124).
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 31/07/2018 (Iraq) (Reg 2018/1066)
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice, 23/07/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/1025)'.
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 13/07/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/979)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 19/06/2018, Iraq, (Reg 2018/875) .
Updated links to regulation as part of routine site maintenance.
Updated with latest Treasury Notice, 04/12/2017, Iraq (Reg 2017/2217)
Updated to include Latest Treasury Notice, 15/03/2017, Iraq (Reg 2017/441)
Updated with Latest Treasury Notice, 04/02/2017, Iraq (Reg 2017/184)
Updated due to new notice - 11/01/17 Iraq (Regulation No 2017/44)
Updated with HM Treasury notice, 23/12/2016, Iraq (Reg 2016/2363)
Updated with HM Treasury notice, 23/09/2016, ISIL (Da’esh) & Al-Qaida (Reg 2016/1695)
Updated: HM Treasury notice, 14/09/2016, Iraq (Reg 2016/1642)
Updated with HM Treasury notice, 06/09/16 Iraq (Regulation 2016/1453)
Updated: Latest HM Treasury notice, 23/08/16 Iraq (Regulation 2016/1398)
qdded notice: Iraq (Reg 791/2014)
First published.