Financial sanctions, Libya
Libya is currently subject to UK financial sanctions. This document contains a current list of designated persons and information on relevant regulations
The Libya (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 ensure that financial sanctions relating to Libya are implemented effectively after the UK leaves the EU.
This sanctions regime gives effect to the UK’s obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) including UNSCR 1970 (2011) as well as additional autonomous measures the aims of which are to promote:
respect for human rights in Libya;
the peace, stability and security of Libya;
the successful completion of Libya’s political transition to a democratic, independent and united country; and
the prevention of migrant smuggling and human trafficking taking place from Libya.
The Libya regime permits the designation of persons (both individuals and entities) for the purpose of imposing an asset freeze as well as various financial prohibitions if those persons are involved in serious human rights abuses or breaches of international humanitarian law in Libya (including attacks on civilians and facilities), an activity carried out on behalf of the former regime of Muammar Qadhafi and any other activity which threatens the peace, stability or security of Libya (including attacking infrastructure and misappropriating Libyan state funds).
Asset freezing activity also helps protect Libyan state funds (misappropriated during the former regime of Muammar Qadhafi) which could be used to threaten the peace, stability or political transition of Libya.
A full asset freeze is imposed on various persons. Separately a partial asset freeze is imposed on two UN designated persons, the Libyan Investment Authority and the Libyan Africa Investment Portfolio. That partial asset freeze applies to funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by those two designated persons located outside Libya immediately before 17 September 2011, funds transferred on or after 17 September 2011 to the designated persons to meet a prior obligation, as well as interest and other earnings that have accrued on either of the aforementioned on or after 17 September 2011.
More information on the requirements for freezing interest and other earnings under the partial asset freeze can be found in the accompanying Libya financial sanctions guidance.
Prohibitions are in place on persons (both individuals and entities) entering into any financial transactions relating to Libyan oil aboard a UN-designated ship. This includes the purchase, or sale, or use as credit and the taking out of transport insurance in respect of it.
UN regulations
The UN Resolution, UNSCR 1970 (2011), is available online along with other relevant UN Resolutions.
UK regulations
- The Libya (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
- The Libya (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2016 (S.I. 2016/45) (applicable prior to 31 December 2020)
- Libya (Financial Sanctions) Order 2011 (applicable prior to 31 December 2020)
EU regulations (applicable prior to 31 December 2020)
Updates to this page
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 02/01/2025 added.
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 07/11/2024 added.
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 30/11/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 24/02/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 26/09/2022 added
HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 16/09/2022 added
Updated with 'HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 20/07/2022'
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 16/06/2022
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 16/02/2022, Libya'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 10/02/2022, Libya'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 02/02/2022, Libya'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 31/01/2022, Libya'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 19/01/2022, Libya'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 26/10/2021, Libya'.
Updated with Latest HM Treasury Notice, 13/05/2021, Libya
Updated with ‘Latest HM Treasury Notice, 30/04/2021, Libya’.
Latest HM Treasury Notice, 18/02/2021, Libya
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 01/02/2021, Libya
Update with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, Libya, 21/01/2021'
Latest HM Treasury notice, Libya, 19/01/2021
Adding link to Libya guidance
Updated to reflect regime coming into force under the Sanctions Act
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 15/10/2020, Libya (Reg 2020/1481)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 02/10/2020, Libya (Reg 2020/1380)'
Updated with “Latest HM Treasury Notice, 21/09/2020, Libya (Reg 2020/1309)”
Updated with ‘Latest HM Treasury notice, 03/08/2020, Libya (Reg 2020/1130)’
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 14/07/2020, Libya (Correction)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 10/07/2020, Libya (Correction)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 06/03/2020, Libya (Reg 2020/371)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 05/08/2019, (Libya) (Reg 2019/1292)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 10/01/2019, (Libya), Corrigenda'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 29/11/2018 (Libya) (Reg 2018/1863)'.
Updated with Latest HM Treasury notice, 19/11/2018 (Libya).
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice 26/10/2018 Libya Corrigenda'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 25/09/2018 (Libya) (Reg 2018/1285)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 19/09/2018 (Libya) (Reg 2018/1245)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 12/09/2018, Libya'.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 01/08/2018 (Libya) (Reg 2018.1073)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 15/06/2018 (Libya) (Reg 2018/870).
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 08/06/2018, Libya
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 15/05/2018, (Libya) (Reg 2018/711)
Details updated to provide more clarity.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 12/02/2018, (Libya) (Reg 2018/200)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 05/02/2018, (Libya) (Reg 2018/166)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 26/01/2018, Libya (Reg 2018/126)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 08/12/2017, Libya (Reg 2017/2260)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 09/11/2017, Libya (Reg 2017/2006)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 31/10/2017, Libya (Reg 2017/1974)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 11/08/2017, Libya (Reg 2017/1456)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice 07/08/2017, Libya (Reg 2017_1423)
Updated with Latest HM Treasury Notice, 03/08/2017, Libya
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 25/07/2017, Libya
Formatting amendments made to latest notice.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 23/03/2017, Libya (Reg 2017/489)
Updated list due to notice - 04/10/2016 Libya (Reg 2016/1752)
Updated: HM Treasury notice, 22/09/2016, Libya (Reg 2016/1687)
Updated with HM Treasury notice, 05/08/2016 Libya (Reg 2016/1334)
Updated with 05.05.2016 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/690
Updated with latest returns
link to EU regulations added on page itself - no update to notices
Updated pdf for latest notice.
Updated with new notice: (Reg 2016/466)
New notice added - Libya (revocation of general licence)
Page updated to reflect some changes to recently adopted EU Regulation.
Notice 04/08/15 Libya, Amendments to Annex III following Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1323.
Update to text on page, no changes to lists
Updated list to reflect 2 new notices.
New HMT notice
Updated to include Libya (Judgement of the General Court)
Updated due to notice Libya (Reg 1103/2014)
added notice: Libya (Reg 792/2014)
added notice (Reg 689/2014)
added Notice Libya 300114 (Reg 74/2014)
added link to 20.01.2013 Council Regulation (EU) No 45/2013
First published.