Financial sanctions, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is subject to UK financial sanctions regime. This document contains a current list of designated persons.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 ensure sanctions relating to DPRK are implemented effectively after the UK leaves the EU.
This sanctions regime gives effect to the UK’s obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718 (2006) and further resolutions that extended its scope.
It aims to restrict the ability of the DPRK to carry on banned programmes, promoting the abandonment by the DPRK of banned programmes and the decommissioning of the DPRK’s banned weapons. It also aims to promote peace, security and stability on the Korean peninsula.
The regulations impose asset freezes as well as sectoral financial sanctions measures.
Some sanctions targets listed under the DPRK regime are known to use ‘shell’ or ‘front’ companies to disguise the ultimate destination of goods, funds and services.
You need to ensure you’re not working with those subject to sanctions through these companies.
DPRK targets are on OFSI’s financial sanctions consolidated list and are subject to an asset freeze. You can find information about asset freezes in OFSI’s general guidance.
This regime also includes sectoral financial sanctions, which contain both restrictions and requirements. These include those placed on:
the sale or purchase of bonds
DPRK credit and financial institutions including branches, subsidiaries and representative offices)
UK credit and financial institutions from dealing with DPRK credit and financial institutions (including branches, subsidiaries and representative offices)
representative offices belonging to designated persons
business arrangements with designated persons
financial support for trade
investment and commercial activities
bank accounts for DPRK diplomats and diplomatic missions
leasing or, otherwise making available, real property.
OFSI can authorise some transactions under legal grounds which are set out in the relevant regulations for this regime. Please review these before contacting OFSI.
Given the complexities and risks involved in operating in this country, OFSI recommends you discuss any proposed activities in DPRK with any relevant financial and other institution(s) beforehand. OFSI also recommends that you seek independent legal advice for such activities.
UN regulations
The UN adopted Resolution 1718 (2006), condemning DPRK’s nuclear test on 9 October 2006 and requiring all UN member states to apply restrictive measures against the DPRK.
Further resolutions have been imposed on the DPRK to extend these restrictive measures. These are available online.
UK regulations
- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
- The Sanctions (EU Exit) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019
- The Sanctions (EU Exit) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2020
- The Sanctions (EU Exit) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.3) Regulations 2020
- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (European Union Financial Sanctions) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 20172017 No. 999 (applicable prior to 11:00pm, 31 December 2020)
EU regulations (applicable prior to 11:00pm, 31 December 2020)
Updates to this page
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 20/09/2024 added
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 17/05/2024 added.
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 16/04/2024 added
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 11/03/2024 added.
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 08/01/2024 added.
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 21/08/2023 added
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 03/07/2023 added
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 11/11/2022
HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 16/09/2022 added
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 09/08/2022'
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 02/08/2022
Updated with HM Treasury Notice, Belarus, 07/07/2022
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 04/03/2022'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, DPRK, 03/03/2022'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, DPRK, 16/02/2022'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, DPRK, 21/01/2021'
Latest HM Treasury notice, DPRK, 19/01/2021
Updated to reflect regime coming into force under the Sanctions Act
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/12/2020, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 03/08/2020, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2020/1129)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 10/07/2020, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Correction)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 04/06/2020, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2020/730'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury Notice, 18/07/2019, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2019/1207)'
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 23/01/2019, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2019/93)'.
Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 23/01/2019, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2019/93)'.
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice 08/11/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/1654)'.
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice 26/10/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/1606)'.
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice 17/010/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)'.
Updated 'Latest HM Treasury notice 14/09/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/1231)'.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice – 31/07/2018 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/1074).
Updated with 'latest HM Treasury Notice 18/07/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/1009);.
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice 04/06/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/814).
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 01/06/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/714)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice 20/04/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/602)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 10/04/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/548)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 05/04/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 06/03/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/324)
Page updated to provide more clarity.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 28/02/2018, North Korea (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/285)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 26/02/2018, North Korea (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 23/01/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/87)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 15/01/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/53)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 09/01/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2018/12)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 03/01/2018, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 27/12/2017, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
Updated link to Council Regulation
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 19/10/2017, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2017/1897)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 17/10/2017, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2017/1859)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 29/09/2017, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) and updated UK and EU regulations information.
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 18/09/2017, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), (Reg 2017/1568)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 15/09/2017 North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (Reg 2017_1509).
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 12/09/2017
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice, 11/08/2017, DPRK (Reg 2017/1457)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice 07/08/2017, Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea
Updated with new notice 19/07/2017, Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (Reg 2017/1330)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 16/06/2017 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 2017/993)
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 12/06/2017, Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (Reg 2017/970)
Updated with latest HM Treasury notice 05/06/2017 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Updated with latest HM Treasury Notice, 07/04/2017, Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (Reg 2017/661)
Updated 'Current UK regulations' to include 01.03.2017 The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2017 ( S.I.2017/218)
Updated with Latest HM Treasury notice, 01/03/2017, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 2017/330)
Updated with: HM Treasury notice, 18/01/2017, North Korea (Reg 2017/80)
Updated with: HM Treasury notice, 09/12/2016, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 2016/2215)
Page information presentation updated (how we link to EU regulations) - no new notice
Updated with link to new Statutory Instrument that implements notice 2016/780 published on 09.06.2016
Updated due to Notice
Updated with: OFSI notice, 01/06/2016
Updated with: Regulation No 2016/780 and link to regulations (S.I. 2016/578)
Updated with OFSI guidance on Article 5a of Council Regulation (EC) 329/2007
Updated with 03.05.2016 Council Regulation (EU) No 2016/682 Notice
Updated list due to Notice - 28.04.2016 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/659
Updated list due to Notice 2016/569
Updated with latest notice and links to regulatory guidance
New notice (Reg 2015/1062)
Updated with latest notice Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 1059/2014)
added Latest HM Treasury Notice, 17/04/2014 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 386/2014)
removed 27.04.2011 The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Asset-Freezing) Regulations 2011 (SI 2011/1094)
added 16.08.2013 The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 2013/1877)
added Latest HM Treasury Notice, 24.07.2013 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Reg 696/2013)
First published.