FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 26 October 2015
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 26 October 2015.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 26 October 2015.
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Published 28 October 2015Last updated 2 November 2015 + show all updates
Added new FOI responses for MOD Police recorded crimes of attacks on places of worship, The Army Pension Warrant 1977 amendment 40, change 3, new button designs, MOD Police purchase of ice cleats for winter safety, AWE Plc total spend on contracts with parent companies.
Added new FOI responses for number of females that hold the rank of Air Vice Marshal in the RAF and Commander in the Royal Navy, list of FV (Fighting vehicle) numbers, soft armour rating for the ECBA and Osprey armours, number of people registered disabled, considered to be an ethnic minority or line managers who were rated as "Must improve", "Met" and Exceeded", PEC scores for "Exceeded", "Met" and "Must improve" for each staff level, number of PEC appeals for reporting years 2013/14 and 2014/15, number of animals used by MOD for testing with Sarin gas, total amount allocated to MOD Police for bonus payments in financial year 2015/16, DE&S REMCOM terms of reference, esatablished membership and minutes of meetings for 2015 and 2015, companies names and addresses who submitted a pqq and/or itt for the Taunton: event services 2012/S 228-375758 contract, cold war nuclear bunker on or near the UKHO site in Taunton.
First published.