FOI release

FOI responses released by MOD: week commencing 27 July 2015

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 27 July 2015.


DBS Veterans UK management structure

RNAS Yeovilton redevelopment consultants contact details

Attachment: 1st Queen Lancaster Regiment) watchkeeper radio logs, log sheet 1

Attachment: 1st Queen Lancaster Regiment watchkeeper radio logs, log sheet 2

Attachment: 1st Queen Lancaster Regiment watchkeeper radio operator's log

Annex A: Hill of Lychrobbie wind farm

Attachment: email consultation from Harrogate Council

Attachment: email to MOD technical advisers

Attachment: RAF letter confirming objection

Attachment: Duty holder advice note (DHAN) 86

Attachment: Policy and procedures for munitions disposal


Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 27 July 2015.

Updates to this page

Published 27 July 2015
Last updated 15 January 2016 show all updates
  1. Added new FOI responses - Amendment list number 36 for the Queen's Regulations for the Royal Air Force, Information about the suspending of flight operations of the Air Cadet Gliding Fleet, Information relating to when aircraft may be operated without navigation lights at night, Number of applications from Pte and LCpl that requested to transfer into QARANC and those successful over the period 2010 to 2014, Number of the British Army Majors who attended Advanced Command and Staff Course September 2007 to July 2008, September 2008 to July 2009, September 2009 to July 2010 and the number selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, Number of days on which RAF aircraft were launched from January 2013 onwards, Details of the locations of underground pipelines and other assets from around 45 providers, including the Oil and Pipelines Agency (OPA), Details of the 15 mile radius around Mission and the GPSS, RAF Finningley was not connected to the GPSS and that no pipeline existed there, Chapter 9 of Joint Services Publication (JSP) 762: Policy and Procedures for Munitions Disposal and Number of L98A1 rifles produced and the final fate of the L98A1 rifles.

  2. Copy of case file of an investigation into an individual's complaint, cost per head of recruiting a new MOD member of staff, length of time to recruit MOD new staff, request for medal names and pictures, number of medals for the 'South Atlantic Medal (without rosette)' issued, number of ACSM 1994 and ACSM 2011 medals issued, request for information regarding the MDP's prompt payment of suppliers invoices, number of cannabis seizures by the MDP.

  3. Added new FOI response and attachments for High Moor proposal and the associated MOD objection, list of reported incidents glis glis and rat infestations at Rosemead, Halton from 2009 onwards, request for copy of report of hunts monitored by DIO, list of subcontractors and suppliers for redevelopment work.

  4. Added FOI response for Hill of Lychrobbie wind farm correspondence.

  5. Added internal review for request for detailed report of Royal Military Police investigation into the road side bomb detonated on 14 August 2003.

  6. Added new FOI responses for information about MOD Police misconduct investigations, number of University Air Squadron Bursary Scheme applications, number of service personnel that have applied for a CEA, Copy of the DIO complaints procedure, request for information on the re-opening of the Academy Place footpath in Woolwich, RNAS Yeovilton redevelopment consultants contact details, total income from commercial use of Swynnerton training area,

  7. First published.

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