FOI release

FOI2024-00441: Participation in the conference on frontier AI safety frameworks

Response to a freedom of information (FOI) request for information about participating in the conference on frontier AI safety frameworks.



Reference number FOI2024-00441
Date of request 28 September 2024
Date of response 7 October 2024
Outcome Information disclosed

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (the department) received the following request for information which we responded to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA):

Thank you for your prompt response and for publishing some of the information requested. Your answer fails to address some of my request. This is for case [FOI2024-]00412.

Question 1: Under point (1) I asked for the criteria by which attendees were selected, but you have not provided these criteria for the secondary invitees, merely a description. Since there are numerous researchers answering to that description, I am asking for the criteria selecting those who will be selected.

Question 2: Under point (3) I asked for the names of individuals or organisations. Since you are not able to provide names of individuals, please provide the names of the organisations as originally requested.

Question 3: Under point (5) I asked for the arrangements for requesting the opportunity to participate. Your answer merely gives an email address. It seems unlikely that this is the entirety of the arrangement. For example, this email address will presumably be communicated to some target audience of potential participants. Please describe the rest of the arrangements and, as described in point (A) of this email, the criteria you will apply for targeting and selection.

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Published 7 October 2024

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