FOI release

Response: Meetings and correspondence with Hakluyt

Published 9 October 2024

Reference number FOI2024-00473
Date of request 7 October 2024
Date of response 9 October 2024
Outcome No information held

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (the department) received the following request for information which we responded to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA):

  1. Please provide a copy of all departmental email correspondence between (to and from) Peter Kyle and Hakluyt from 4th July 2024 to date.

  2. Please provide a list of any meetings between Peter Kyle and Hakluyt from 4th July 2024 to date.

Our response

We can confirm that the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (the department) does not hold any information in scope of your request.