Genetically Modified Organisms: list of deliberate release sites
List of sites where consent for the deliberate release of GMOs for any other purpose than for placing on the market has been given.
List of sites where consents for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) to be released for research and development purposes under part B of Directive 2001/18/EC (deliberate release of GMOs for any other purpose than for placing on the market) has been granted.
Updates to this page
Latest list added.
List updated to include Sainsbury Laboratory application (19/R29/01) which was granted consent.
Updated to include the consent granted for Rothamsted Research (19/R8/01).
List updated to include John Innes applications for Brassica (19/R52/01) and wheat (19/R52/02) which have been granted consent.
Replaced with an updated list because Oxford Vaccine Group (18/R48/01) application has been granted consent.
Updated to include GM clinical trial - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (18/R51/01).
List updated to include the consent for Rothamsted Research (18/R08/01).
List updated to include consent for University of Southampton application (17/R50/01).
List updated to include the latest consent given to application 17/R29/01.
Updated the list to include the Imperial college consent (16/R49/01).
Latest list added as consent has been given for 16/R48/01 application.
Latest list added to include consent for application 16/R08/02.
Updated the list of sites with consent.
Updated list added.
Updated to replace file with May 2014 list of current consents.
Updated to include consent for Rothamsted Research (14/R8/01)
First published.