Genetically modified organisms: applications, decisions and notifications
Information about releases of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for research purposes, including lists of applications, consents and notifications.
To protect human health and the environment and ensure consumer choice, there is strict legislation controlling the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Consents for release of genetically modified organisms for research purposes are granted by the Secretary of State under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 111 and 112 and the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2002.
Consents granted to release genetically modified organisms
List of all current UK consents for the release of genetically modified organisms for research purposes. Consents issued before January 2012 are available on the National Archives website.
Each consent granted will include:
- Consent letter (confirming consent and outlining any conditions)
- Part A(1): Information required under schedule 1 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) regulations 2002
- Part A(2-6): (If applicable) Details of related previous releases, including any data, results and risks
- Part B: Information about the release application to be included on the public register
This list includes consents granted by ministers in the devolved administrations.
Details of all release consents can be found on the statutory GMO Public Register. Please contact for further information.
Locations of current consents
This list covers sites with consent for deliberate release of GMOs, for any other purpose than for placing on the market.
Notifications to release qualifying genetically modified higher plants
In accordance with the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2022, you must notify Defra if you wish to release ‘qualifying higher plants’ for any other purpose than marketing.
Read the technical guidance from the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment to determine whether your genetically modified plants are qualifying higher plants. ACRE has issued advice on engineered plants which do not qualify for notification and would need to be regulated as GMOs.
You should provide the information set out in schedule 3A of the 2022 Regulations when notifying Defra of your intention to release a qualifying higher plant.
You must put in place appropriate measures to keep genetically modified material out of the human food and animal feed chains.
Defra has produced technical guidance setting out best practices to aid developers. Read Notifying under qualifying higher plant notifications: guidance for developers.
Email to request a notification form.
Updates to this page
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 25/Q05).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 25/Q04).
Added 3 new notifications to release qualifying higher plants (references: 25/Q01, 25/Q02 and 25/Q03).
Moved Genetically Modified Organisms: University of Oxford (24/R57/01) to the section: Consents granted to release genetically modified organisms.
Under 'Notifications to release qualifying genetically modified higher plants', we've added a link to new technical guidance for developers notifying under qualifying higher plant notifications.
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 24/Q07).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 24/Q06).
Added a new application from University of Oxford to release a genetically modified organism for research purposes (reference 24/R57/01).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 24/Q05).
We have moved the Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. (24/R56/01) application into the consents granted section, as consent has now been granted.
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant notification (reference: 24/Q04). Moved Rothamsted Research (23/R08/01) application into consents granted section, as consent has now been granted.
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant notification (reference: 24/Q03).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 24/Q02).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 24/Q01).
Added Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. (24/R56/01) application to release genetically modified organisms.
Added a new notification to release a qualifying genetically modified higher plant (reference: 23/Q09).
Added a link under the 'Notifications to release qualifying genetically modified higher plants' heading to ACRE advice relating to engineered plants which do not qualify for notification and would need to be regulated as GMOs.
Added 2 new notifications to release qualifying higher plants (references: 23/Q07 and 23/Q08).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 23/Q06).
Moved Wild Bioscience Ltd (22/R55/01) application into Consents granted section, as consent has now been granted.
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 23/Q05).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 23/Q04).
Added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 23/Q03).
Added a new notification to release qualifying genetically modified higher plants: reference: 23/Q02.
Added Genetically Modified Organisms: Rothamsted Research (23/R08/01) to the section ‘Application to release genetically modified organisms’.
We've added a new notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 23/Q01).
Added 'Genetically Modified Organisms: Wild Bioscience Ltd (22/R55/01)' to the section ‘Application to release genetically modified organisms’.
Updated as the application for The Sainsbury Laboratory (22/R29/01) has been granted consent.
Following ministerial consent we have moved the following application to consent granted: Genetically Modified Organisms: ILiAD Biotechnologies, LLC (22/R53/01).
Added the notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 22/Q03).
Added the notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 22/Q02).
Added a notification to release a qualifying higher plant (reference: 22/Q01).
Added a new section on notifications to release qualifying higher plants, including a link to ACRE's technical guidance on how to determine whether genetically modified plants are qualifying higher plants.
Updated the application from the John Innes Centre (21/R52/01) as it has been granted consent.
Added Sainsbury Laboratory application to release a genetically modified organism, reference 22/R29/01.
Updated as the application for Oxford Vaccine Group (20/R48/01a) has been granted consent.
Added an application from ILiAD Biotechnologies to release a genetically modified organism(GMO), reference 22/R53/01.
Added Cambridge University Crop Science Centre application to release a genetically modified organism, reference 21/R52/01.
Added John Innes Centre (21/R52/01) application to release genetically modified organisms.
Added Oxford Vaccine Group (20/R48/01a) application to release genetically modified organisms.
ILiAD Biotechnologies, LLC (21/R53/01) application has been granted consent.
Updated as the application for Rothamsted Research (21/R08/01) has been granted consent.
Added link to ILiAD Biotechnologies application.
Added the application for Rothamsted Research (21/R08/01).
Added Oxford Vaccine Group (20/R48/01).
Updated as the application for The Sainsbury Laboratory (19/R29/01) has been granted consent.
Moved the entry for Rothamsted Research (19/R8/01) as the application has been approved.
Updated as John Innes applications for Brassica (19/R52/01) and Wheat (19/R52/02).
Updated as Oxford Vaccine Group (18/R48/01) has been granted consent.
Added the application for The Sainsbury Laboratory (19/R29/01).
Added the application: Genetically Modified Organisms: Rothamsted Research (19/R08/01)
Added Genetically Modified Organisms: John Innes Centre (19/R52/02) application which we're inviting representations on.
Added Genetically Modified Organisms: John Innes Centre (19/R52/01) application which we're inviting representations on.
Added an application from Oxford Vaccine Group (18/R48/01).
Updated to show that the application for Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (18/R51/01) has been granted consent.
Added Genetically Modified Organisms: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (18/R51/01) to the list of applications we're seeking representations on.
Updated as consent has been granted to Rothamsted Research (18/R08/01).
Added the application from Rothamsted Research (reference 18/R08/01).
Updated as University of Southampton application (17/R50/01) has been granted consent.
Added the GMO application from University of Southampton.
Updated the entry for 17/R29/01 as consent has now been granted.
Updated the entry for Imperial College (16/R49/01) as it's been granted consent.
Updated because consent for application 16/R48/01 has been granted.
Added the Sainsbury laboratory (17/R29/01) application.
Updated as application 16/R8/02 has been approved.
Added application for Imperial College London (16/R49/01).
Added the application from Rothamsted Research reference 16/R08/02.
Added the Oxford Vaccine Group (16/R48/01) application.
Moved the Sainsbury laboratory application to consented section.
Moved Rothamsted Research (16/R8/01) from application to consent granted.
Added the Sainsbury laboratory application to release a GMO.
Added the application from Rothamsted Research (reference 16/R8/01), representations on this application should be sent by 19 March 2016.
Updated to reflect that consent has been granted to Rothamsted Research for application 14-R8-01.
Added application from Rothamsted Research to release genetically modified camelina, reference 14/R8/01
First published.