Genetically Modified Organisms: Rothamsted Research (14/R8/01)
Details of the consent for Rothamsted Research to release genetically modified camelina, reference 14/R8/01.
Consent documents for Rothamsted Research, to release genetically modified organisms for research purposes.
Each consent granted includes:
- consent letter (confirming consent and outlining any conditions)
- part A(1): Information required under schedule 1 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) regulations 2002.
- part A(2-6): (If applicable) Details of related previous releases, including any data, results and risks.
- part B: Information about the release application to be included on the public register.
ACRE’s advice
Updates to this page
Letter detailing the variation of consent added.
Amended to reflect that this consent has been granted, included the letter of consent which sets out conditions.
Updated to reflect that the consultation period for this application has now closed.
Part A1 replaced with an amended version.
First published.