Research and analysis

Geospatial Sector Market Report 2024

The report highlights the state of the UK geospatial market, valued at over £6 billion, supporting over 37,500 jobs and attracting £1.2 billion in investments.



The Geospatial Sector Market Report 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of the geospatial data and technology market in the UK. Geospatial data describes the location of places, objects and people, and is crucial for various sectors and public services. The market is complex and spans multiple submarkets, making it challenging to define, measure and evaluate using traditional methods. 

In 2024, there were over 2,600 companies in the UK for which geospatial data is core to their product or service offering. The sector is estimated to be worth at least £6 billion per year to the UK economy, employing over 37,500 people and has so far attracted £1.2 billion in investments between 2013 and 2024. 

The report highlights the importance of geospatial data in the economy and anticipates continued growth in the sector. It builds on the methodology from the 2020 Frontier Economics Geospatial Market study and provides updated insights using the latest company data.

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Published 18 October 2024

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